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Gaming machines and notifications

Find out how to notify us of your intent to have gaming machines and how to apply for a gaming machine permit.

Gaming machine notifications

Premises licensed to sell alcohol are allowed two category C or D gaming machines but must notify us of their use. 

Notification is £50 and you can download the form from ‘Useful documents’ below and send it to the Gambling licensing team, Islington Council, 222 Upper Street, London N1 1XR.

Notification must be made in the premises holder's name. If the premises licence transfers to a new licence holder, the new licensee must submit a new notification to us. 

Gaming machine permits

Licensed premises intending to have more than two category C or D gaming machines must apply for a permit.  

The application must be made in the premises licence holder's name. If the premises licence transfers to a new licence holder, then the new licensee must apply for a transfer of the permit.  

Apply for a gaming machine permit

Information on permit fees can be found here

You can download the application form from the ‘Useful documents’ below, and send it to the Gambling licensing team, Islington Council, 222 Upper Street, London N1 1XR. 

If you email us the application form, we can take credit or debit card payment over the phone. 

After applying for a gaming machine permit

We may grant, refuse or amend the permit in terms of the number or category of permitted machines. 

You can appeal our decision within 21 days at the magistrates’ court. 

Premises where gaming machines aren’t permitted

Please note, unlicensed premises such as cafes, fast food restaurants and mini cab offices are not allowed to have gaming machines.