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Premises gambling fees

Licence fees for gambling premises in Islington.

Adult gaming centre

Type Fee
New application £2,000 
Annual fee £1,000 
Application to vary  £1,000 
Transfer  £1,200 
Reinstatement  £1,200 
Provisional statement £2,000
New application from provisional statement holder  £1,200 
Copy of licence  £25 
Notification of change  £25 

Betting premises - excluding tracks

Type Fee
New application  £3,000 
Annual fee  £600 
Variation  £1,500 
Transfer  £185 
Reinstatement  £217.67
Provisional statement  £2,329.27
New application from provisional statement holder  £217.67
Copy of licence  £25 
Notification of change  £50 

Bingo club

Type Fee
New application  £2,329.27 
Annual fee  £1,082.22 
Variation  £1,638.12 
Transfer  £217.67 
Reinstatement  £217.67
Provisional statement  £2,333.76 
New application from provisional statement holder  £217.67 
Copy of licence  £25 
Notification of change  £50 

Club Gaming Permit/Club Machine Permit

Type Fee
New permit (no Club Premises Certificate) £200
New permit (with Club Premises Certificate)  £100 
Annual fee  £50 
Renewal (no Club Premises Certificate)  £200 
Renewal (with Club Premises Certificate)  £100 
Variation  £100 
Copy of permit  £15 

Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permit (3 or more machines)

Type Fee
New  £150 
Annual fee  £50 
Variation  £100 
Transfer  £50 
Change of name  £25 
Copy of permit  £15 

Licensed Premises – Notification (1 or 2 machines)

Fee £50

Small Society Lotteries

Type  Fee 
New registration  £40
Annual fee  £20 


Type Fee
New application  £2,329.27
Annual fee  £1,029 
Variation  £1,300 
Transfer  £498.17 
Reinstatement  £498.17 
Provisional statement  £2,329.27 
New application from provisional statement holder  £498.17 
Copy of licence  £25 
Notification of change  £50