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Gambling premises licence

If you’re a premises-based gambling business in Islington, for example a betting shop, amusement arcade, casino or bingo hall, you need to apply for a gambling premises licence from us.

Apply for a licence

Application forms for a new gambling premises licence, provisional licence, variation, transfer and reinstatement of licences are available on request from the gambling licensing team.

To apply for a premises licence you must have the right to occupy the premises for which the application is being made. You may also need an operating licence and/or a personal licence (issued by the Gambling Commission) or an application for these in progress.

Here is a list of current application fees

Payments for applications can be made by debit or credit cards by calling 020 7527 3031.

After you apply

Local residents, business operators, representatives of either of these groups and certain public bodies may make representation in respect of gambling premises licence applications.

These groups may also seek a formal review of existing premises licences.  Further information is available from us and the Gambling Commission.

If no representations are received within 28 days the application will be granted.

Contested licence applications are referred to our licensing subcommittee usually within 20 working days following the representation deadline.

Both the applicant and anyone making representations can appeal to the local magistrates' court if they are dissatisfied with outcome within 21 days of the decision being made.