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Food safety

If you are running a food business, you must make sure that your business complies with food law requirements.

Visit the Food Standards Agency website to find out what your business needs to do to comply with food law requirements.

You can also use these industry guides to good hygiene practice to help your business comply with food law requirements.

Register your food business

Your business must be registered with us at least 28 days before trading.

Who needs to register

You need to register if you are starting a new food business or will be taking over an existing food business. You must also register your business with us if you will import, distribute or broker food, even if no food is kept on your premises.

Your business can be based:

  • in a commercial premises
  • in a mobile or temporary premises
  • online.

How to register

Visit the GOV.UK food business registration portal to submit a registration form. It is free to register.

Register now

If your business is a limited company, you must record the name of the company as the food business operator.

If you are unable to register online, contact us for help on

After you've registered

We will inspect your business as soon as an officer is available.

Until your business is inspected, it will be listed as 'awaiting inspection' on the Food Standards Agency food hygiene ratings website.

If your business changes or stops trading, it is a legal requirement to tell us. Email:

Supplying other food businesses

Certain businesses supplying meat, fish, egg and dairy products to other businesses may need to be approved before they can trade.

Visit the Food Standards Agency approved food establishment website* for more information on if your business needs to be approved and who to contact.

Train your staff

  • You must make sure that you train your staff in food safety if they handle food.
  • Anyone who handles high-risk food should be trained to a level two (or equivalent) food safety standard.
  • At least one manager or senior chef should be trained to a level three (or equivalent) food safety standard.

Visit the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health website for information on food safety training levels. Other food safety training providers are available.

Set up a food safety management system

In most cases, you will need to have a written food safety management system. The simplest way for many catering and retail businesses to do this is by using a Safer Food Better Business (SFBB) pack.

Food Standards Agency SFBB packs

The Food Standards Agency has produced various SFBB packs for different types of businesses.

Islington Council adapted SFBB pack

We have developed an adapted SFBB pack based on our experience of working with local businesses serving food.

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Visit the Food Standards Agency website for more information and other food safety management system options. For example, small manufacturers can use the free My HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) tool.


If you need any advice, email us at