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Food Hygiene Ratings Scheme

The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme is designed to:

  • help consumers choose where to eat out or shop for food by giving them information about hygiene standards in restaurants, cafes, takeaways and food shops
  • encourage businesses to improve hygiene standards
  • provide a useful tool for businesses to promote hygiene standards and increase the number of customers who come through the door or order on line

How to search for a food hygiene rating

You can search for information about hygiene standards in restaurants, cafes, takeaways and food shops at food Standards Agency - Search for food hygiene ratings

How we calculate the Food Hygiene Rating

Islington’s Environmental Health Officers inspect all food premises on a regular basis. The frequency of inspection is determined by risk assessment.

During the inspection the officer will check:

  • how hygienically the food is handled – how it is prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled and stored
  • the condition of the structure of the buildings – the cleanliness, layout, lighting, pest control, ventilation and other facilities
  • how the business manages what it does to make sure food is safe and so that the officer can be confident standards will be maintained in the future.

Each of these three elements are scored and these scores are used to calculate the food hygiene rating ranging from zero (urgent improvement required) to five (very good).

If the top rating is not given, the officer will explain to the person who owns or manages the business what improvements need to be made and what action they can take to improve their hygiene rating.

How to apply for a re-rating inspection

The food business operator can apply for one re-rating inspection per inspection cycle providing:

  • three months has passed since the initial inspection
  • non-compliance identified at the time of the initial inspection has been actioned
  • they are able to provide details and supporting evidence of improvements made
  • they complete and submit the re-rating inspection request form below.

If you want to apply for a re-rating inspection, email to request a form.

Once you have submitted the form and provided sufficient evidence that the improvements have been made we will arrange for an unannounced inspection to take place between 3 and 6 months after the date of the initial inspection or within 3 months of you submitting your application. 

At the end of the re-rating inspection you will be given a new food hygiene rating based upon the level of compliance found at the time of the rerating inspection. You should be aware that your rating could go up, down or remain the same.