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Help us challenge inequality

How residents can get involved in challenging inequality in Islington by joining an action learning set, which includes councillors and council officers.

Could you help us challenge inequality?

We are looking for Islington residents to join our action learning sets, to help us tackle some of our borough’s most pressing social issues and make Islington a more equal place for everyone.

An action learning set is a group who agree a set of actions that will solve important issues.

Aims and objectives

We recently heard from more than 6,000 residents during Let's Talk Islington which gave us insights into the things we need to prioritise in the borough to make it a more equal place.

Here are the outcomes that the action learning sets will focus on:

  • Improving the diversity of local business ownership, particularly in the council's supply chain.
  • Increasing the number of children reaching a good level of development at the end of reception from Black Caribbean, Turkish, Turkish Cypriot and mixed White and Black Caribbean backgrounds.
  • Increasing access to online services and information for residents who are excluded.
  • Improving community safety for Muslim women.
  • Working with focus groups from Black African and Caribbean communities, the LGBTQ+ community, and residents with a disability to deliver actions that promote a sense of belonging.

Your role

You will meet with your action learning set in person, four times over 12 months. The first of the four sessions will last 2.5 hours, to review relevant data, set the scene and create a mutually agreed action plan. Following meetings will then provide an update on actions and discuss any challenges, barriers and successes.

Benefits of taking part

This is an opportunity for residents to work closely with councillors and council officers to act on the direct feedback of Islington residents.

You will be compensated for your time. We’ll share the details of this with confirmed participants.

Sign up now

If you are passionate about equality or have lived experience that can help us to make a difference, we’d like to hear from you.

We will be holding briefing sessions to explain your role in more detail. To sign up for one of the sessions, email

Find out more about challenging inequality at Islington Council.