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My eAccount and payments are now working as normal following essential website maintenance.

Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

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Council spending

Find a list of documents for each quarter of council spending showing what was spent over £500.

Every quarter we will publish a list of all purchases over £500, showing who we paid, how much we paid, and what for. Each list will also include all purchase card spending.

This will include:

  • all items we buy
  • payments to contractors who are working for us
  • other spending from carrying out our business.

It will not include:

  • payments made to staff
  • sensitive personal information, such as payments made to foster carers
  • any payments which may reveal personal details about an individual.

We regularly review the way we classify spending so that the process is as accurate as possible.

You can ask about an item of expenditure by submitting a freedom of information request.

A list of documents for each quarter of council spending is at the bottom of the page.

List of council spending documents