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Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology (sometimes referred to as ‘Telecare’) is equipment that can empower you to remain independent in your home and in the community, and can delay or prevent the need for long term care. This equipment provides you, your carers, and your family and friends with the reassurance that help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Our new Assistive Technology service will offer Islington residents more choice for a broader range of needs. The aim is to provide equipment that maximises your independence, keeps you safe, and improves your life.

Assistive Technology will cover a wide range of equipment, such as alarm systems, medication dispensers, GPS location trackers, mobile technology, such as travel apps, and more.

Who is Assistive Technology for?

Our service is designed to offer reassurance and support to anyone but is particularly of value to those with a health or social care need.

Adults who are at risk of falling, getting lost outside the home, immobilisation, extreme temperatures, smoke in the home, harassment or feeling unsafe at home and many other circumstances could benefit from Assistive Technology.

How is Assistive Technology provided?

If you are assessed as having an eligible Adult Social Care need, there is no charge for this service. If you do not have an eligible need, but still wish to use the services provided, there are paid options that you can discuss by contacting our Assistive Technology team.

The steps to providing and using Assistive Technology:

  1. A care or health practitioner identifies that care technology could support you to live independently and safely
  2. Your care or health practitioner refers you to Islington Assistive Technology
  3. Islington Assistive Technology makes an appointment with you to identify and install the right equipment to support your needs. They will explain how it works while they are with you
  4. If you have an alarm or sensor installed, it will raise an alert when you need assistance, for example, because you have fallen or because you have pressed an alarm button
  5. Your base unit (or GSM mobile device) will send an alert to the monitoring centre
  6. A trained operator will talk to you and identify the most appropriate course of action
  7. A responder or the emergency services will come to help. A responder could be a family member, a friend, or someone from Islington Assistive Technology


We aim to offer a service that is unique to your needs. If you have any questions or want to find out more about being assessed for support, you can contact our team:


Phone: 0207 527 5456