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Islington strategic commissioning

Key information about Adult Social Care commissioning at Islington

This section includes useful documents and information about our strategic commissioning of Adult Social Care within Islington. It includes key information on the priorities we are focusing on to meet the Adult Social Care needs of the population of Islington. It also provides information on our approach to market sustainability in Islington. 

  • Adult Social Care Market Position Statement 2024 – 2030 - This document includes lots of information about Islington's social care needs and our commissioning priorities from now until 2030.
  • Cost of care exercise report – care homes - The Department of Health and Social Care requested this report as part of a nationally mandated cost of care exercise.
  • Cost of care exercise report – homecare - The Department of Health and Social Care requested this report as part of a nationally mandated cost of care exercise
  • Islington Market Sustainability Plan - This document sets out the council’s assessment of the sustainability of the Adult Social Care markets for home care and accommodation-based services, our assessment of the impact of future market changes, and our priorities and plans to support market sustainability and capacity over the coming years.
  • Islington Commissioning Framework - This sets out standards for commissioning to be applied across departments on how we will undertake commissioning, including our engagement with colleagues across the organisation, residents and wider stakeholders.
  • Joint Strategic Needs Assessment - A Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a way local authorities, the NHS and other public sector partners work together to understand the current and future health and wellbeing needs of the local population and identify future priorities.


We are working with residents, council departments, and a range of local partners - including from health and voluntary and community sectors - to develop some key strategies.

These are data and evidence-led with residents at the heart, shaped by what residents tell us matter most to them. These strategies will underpin our work over the coming years.

The strategies being developed include: Islington Dementia Strategy, Adult Social Care Accommodation Strategy, Islington All-Age Autism Strategy and Housing with Care and Support Strategy.

If you want to be involved in the development of any of these strategies, email

Published strategies