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The Winter Wellness Project

Advice about how you can stay warm this winter with our Winter Wellness Project, as well as information about heating grants, insulation, safety checks and benefit entitlements.

The Winter Wellness Project

Winter Wellness is a seasonal project focused on supporting Council tenants to keep warm and well during the winter and to reduce social isolation in Islington. The project aims to take a preventative approach to older peoples’ wellbeing by reducing the harm of cold homes and social isolation during the winter months.

The Winter Wellness Project is delivered across Camden and Islington by Elizabeth House, from October through March.  Elizabeth House is a multi-purpose community centre that aims to improve the lives of local residents and connect people together.  Through the Winter Wellness Project, Elizabeth House will contact eligible Council tenants aged 65 and over to offer support and referrals to services to help residents:

Get connected with organisations who will help keep their homes warm and safe.

  • Access health services and information, including flu vaccines and Covid boosters.
  • Learn about and connect with local groups and activities.
  • Connect with organisations that can help with practical tasks.
  • Obtain small grants for people in difficult circumstances.
  • Make referrals to SHINE – Islington Council’s energy service.

If you are a council tenant, aged 65 or over and living alone, and possibly struggling to keep warm this winter, please contact Elizabeth House on or 020 7690 1300.

More on the Winter Wellness Project at Elizabeth House

Read the Winter Wellness Privacy Notice - how your data is used.