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Get a carers assessment

If you care for someone, you may be entitled to a carer’s assessment. It looks at how caring affects your life, and what support could benefit you.

What defines a carer

A carer is anyone who cares for a friend or relative with an illness or disability without being paid.

So, if you're looking after someone due to long-term illness, disability, a mental health or substance misuse issue, you're probably a carer.

This care could be round-the-clock or for a few hours a week.

See what defines a carer at the website

About the carer's assessment

It’s free to anyone living in Islington.

The assessment shows if there's extra support that can make caring easier for you.

Support can include:

  • carers holiday break fund
  • meeting carers groups
  • benefits advice and support through direct payments
  • carers emergency card

Information about the carer's assessment

The best way to find out everything you need to know about the carers assessment is on the NHS and the Carers UK websites.

They have great information about:

  • definition of a carer
  • eligibility
  • what happens in a carer's assessment

Find carers assessment information on the NHS website

Find carers assessment information on the Carers UK website

Eligibility for a carer's assessment

To be eligible, you need to be over 18 and provide unpaid care to someone over 18 living in Islington.

The person you care for doesn’t need to be getting support from social services.

You also don’t need their permission for a carer’s assessment.

The assessment doesn’t include parents of young people under 18 years or carers of people with mental disabilities

Apply for a carer's assessment

The best way to see if you're eligible for support is by telephone 0207 527 2299