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Street sign and cone icon

Locations of School Streets

Find out which schools in our borough are taking part in the School Streets scheme.

The School Streets acceleration is a key part of the council's people-friendly streets programme. So far, we have delivered 36 School Street schemes and five environmental improvement schemes at schools on main roads.

You can find details of each School Street in Islington, including operational hours and streets, in the relevant drop-down menu towards the bottom of this webpage.  

Programme going forward

The programme for the next two years of School Streets delivery includes the delivery of phase 3 School Streets. The delivery of phase 3 will mean that School Streets have been delivered (where feasible) at all primary schools not on main roads by the 2022 target.

To build on the success of the School Streets programme so far, the council will also start to design and deliver School Streets on main roads over the next few years. We have already successfully delivered improvements at Ambler Primary School and Canonbury Primary School. Proposed interventions at most of the main road schools will include measures to reduce air pollution, reduce road danger and promote active travel amongst the school community.

School Streets in Islington

You can find details of each School Street in Islington, including operational hours and streets, in the relevant drop-down menu below.

Ambler primary school


Romilly Road


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Romilly Road (between Monsell Road and Ambler Road)

Road closure times

  • From 25 March 2019
  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.15pm to 4pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

In November 2018 we consulted local residents, businesses and the Ambler Primary School community on restricting traffic on Romilly Road, between Ambler Road and Monsell Road, at school start and finish times. The results of the consultation showed that 82% of respondents supported the scheme.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call us on 020 7527 2000

Ambler primary school consultation


Ashmount primary school


Hornsey Rise Gardens


A temporary road closure will be introduced


The length of Hornsey Rise Gardens

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 25 March 2019
  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.15pm to 4pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

In November 2018 the Council consulted local residents, businesses and the Ashmount Primary School community on restricting traffic on Hornsey Rise Gardens at school start and finish times. The results of the consultation showed that 74% of respondents supported the scheme.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call Islington Council on 020 7527 2000.

Copenhagen Primary School


Treaty Street


A temporary road closure will be introduced


The full length of Treaty Street.

When will the temporary road closure operate?

• From 07 September 2020
• 8.15am to 9.00am and 3.00pm to 3.45pm during term-time
• Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

As part of the council’s People Friendly Streets Programme and Transport Response to Covid-19, we are accelerating the council’s School Streets programme and are introducing a School Street in your area.

The School Street will be installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. During this trial period you are invited to have your say along the school, parents and neighbours on whether the School Street should remain in place permanently.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call us on 020 7527 2000

Copenhagen School

Drayton Park school


Arvon Road


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Arvon Road, between Drayton Park and Witherington Road

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 25 March 2019
  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.15pm to 4pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

In November 2018 the Council consulted local residents, businesses and the Drayton Park Primary School community on restricting traffic on Arvon Road, between Drayton Park and Witherington Road, at school start and finish times. The results of the consultation showed that 72% of respondents supported the scheme.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call Islington Council on 020 7527 2000.

Duncombe primary school


Sussex Way and Hatchard Road.


A temporary road closure will be introduced.


Sussex Way, between Marlborough Road and Jutland Close, Hatchard Road, between Cornwallis Road and Sussex Way.

Temporary road closure times

  • From 25 March 2019
  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.15pm to 4pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

In November 2018 the council consulted local residents, businesses and the Duncombe Primary School community on restricting traffic on Sussex Way and Hatchard Road, between Marlborough Road and Cornwallis Road, at school start and finish times. The results of the consultation showed that 80% of respondents supported the scheme.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call Islington Council on 020 7527 2000

Duncombe primary school consultation

Gillespie Primary School


Gillespie Road


A temporary road closure was introduced in September 2020.


The full length of Gillespie Road.

When will the temporary road closure operate?

• 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.15pm to 4.00pm during term-time
• Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in September 2021 and have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Nitrogen Dioxide levels decreased by 33% since 2018 
  • Traffic has reduced by 63% during School Street operational hours
  • Speed has decreased by 10% during School Streets operational hours 

Consultation results 

  • 68 responses received from adults 
  • 54% noticed a change in how children and parents are traveling to school (46% said no or no change)  
  • 43% noticed an improvement change in the air quality around the school during school street times (9% said it was worse, 49% didn’t notice a change)  
  • 68% felt safer around the school during school street times (32% didn’t feel safer)  
  • In response to “overall what do you feel about the School Street trial” - 74% of the free text responses were categorised as positive  
  • 24 responses received from children of which 71% were seen as supportive   

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 1 consultation report.

Grafton Primary School


Eburne Road & Hercules Street


A temporary road closure will be introduced


The full length of Eburne Road & Hercules Street.

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 04 January 2021
  • 8.45m to 9.45am and 3.00pm to 4.00pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday 

Why are these changes being proposed?

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in February 2022 and have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Traffic on Hercules Street fell during the morning school run by 64% and 44% during the afternoon pick-up times
  • The proportion of vehicles speeding on Hercules Road and Eburne Road increased slightly by 3% during School Street hours
  • Levels of Nitrogen dioxide remained the same compared to 2020 but still in-line with borough wide trends
  • Cycling levels increased by 10% on Hercules Road and Eburne Road during School Street hours

Consultation results 

  • 61 responses received from adults 
  • 18% of respondents state that they have changed the way they travel to sustainable transport modes (70% said no)  
  • 56% agreed that air quality has improved around the school during school street times (16% disagreed)  
  • 69% agreed that road danger has reduced during School Street times (15% disagreed)  
  • In response to “overall what do you feel about the school street trial” - 70% of the free text responses were categorised as positive.  
  • 24 responses received from children of which 88% were categorised as positive   

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 2 consultation report.

Hanover primary school


Noel Road. From Danbury Street to St Peter's Street


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Noel Road. From Danbury Street to St Peter's Street

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.00pm to 4.00pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

In July 2019 the Council consulted local residents, businesses and the Hanover Primary School community on restricting traffic on Noel Road, Danbury Street to St Peter's Street at school start and finish times. The results of the consultation showed that 81% of respondents supported the scheme.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call Islington Council on 020 7527 2000

Hanover Primary School consultation

Hargrave Park Primary School


Hargrave Park


A temporary road closure was introduced in September 2020.


The full length of Hargrave Park and Bredgar Road.

When will the temporary road closure operate?

• 8.45am to 9.30am and 3.00pm to 3.45pm during term-time
• Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in September 2021 and we have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Nitrogen Dioxide levels decreased by 30% since 2018 
  • Traffic has reduced by 28% during School Street operational hours
  • Speed has decreased by 13% during School Streets operational hours 

Consultation results 

  • 39 responses received from adults 
  • 46% noticed a change in how children and parents are traveling to school (54% said no or no change)  
  • 21% noticed an improvement change in the air quality around the school during school street times (10% said it was worse, 69% didn’t notice a change)  
  • 46% felt safer around the school during school street times (54% didn’t feel safer)  
  • In response to “overall what do you feel about the School Street trial” - 54% of the free text responses were categorised as positive  
  • 11 responses received from children of which 82% were seen as supportive   

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 1 consultation report.

Next steps for Hargrave Park Primary School

We need to make some changes to the operational times of the School Street. The School Street will now be in operation between 8.45am to 9.30am and 3.00pm and 3.45pm, Monday to Friday during term-time only. We are making these changes to reflect the school's operation times, as well as to improve driver compliance. 

We will also change the layout of the School Street. We will be extending the School Street to include Hargrave Park and Bredgar Road. We are making these changes to improve safety for those walking, cycling or scooting to the school. 

The new operating hours will be live from Monday 14 March 2022. 

Highbury Quadrant Primary School


Highbury New Park


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Highbury New Park (between Beresford Terrace and Collins Road), Highbury Grange (between Balfour Road and Aberdeen Road), and the full length of Balfour Road and Stradbroke Road.

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 26 September 2022
  • 8.30am to 9.30am and 3.15pm to 4.15pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

In July 2022 we consulted local residents, businesses and the Highbury Quadrant Primary School community on restricting traffic on Highbury New Park, between Beresford Terrace and Collins Road, at school start and finish times.

The council collected traffic data on Highbury New Park and other roads nearby in March 2022. Traffic volumes were found to be high at school drop-off and pick-up times on Highbury New Park and data shows that average speed levels are above the speed limit.

As a result of the consultation and traffic data, we decided to implement a trial School Street at Highbury Quadrant.

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 3 consultation report.

Hugh Myddelton primary school


Gloucester Way, Myddelton Street, Garnault Place, Whiskin Street, Meredith Street and Lloyd's Row


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Gloucester Way, Myddelton Street, Garnault Place, Whiskin Street, Meredith Street and Lloyd's Row

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 10 October 2022 the road closure will be extended to include Lloyd's Row
  • 8.30am to 9.30am and 3.00pm to 4pm during term-time (updated from 10 October 2022)
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in July 2022 and have now published the results.

Consultation results

The questionnaire results showed that:

  • 84% agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: ‘I think streets should be safer for children, parents and carers to walk, wheel and cycle to school’, while 8% disagreed or strongly disagreed. 8% neither agreed nor disagreed.  
  • 79% agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: 'The proposals will make it safer and easier to travel in the area by walking, wheeling or cycling'. while 18% strongly disagreed or disagreed. 3% neither agreed nor disagreed. 
  • 76% agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: ‘The proposals will make the area more pleasant.’, while 18% disagreed or strongly disagreed. 5% neither agreed nor disagreed.  

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 3 consultation report.

Hungerford Primary School and The Bridge Primary School


Hungerford Road


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Hungerford Road, between the junction with York Way and the junction with Corporation Street.

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 04 January 2021
  • 8.30am to 9.30am and 3.00pm to 4.00pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed?

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in February 2022 and have now published the results.

Monitoring results

  • Traffic on Hungerford Road (east) fell during the morning school run by 29% and 38% during the afternoon pick-up times
  • The proportion of vehicles speeding on Hungerford Road reduced by 3% during School Street hours
  • Levels of nitrogen dioxide reduced by 23% compared to 2020
  • Cycling levels on Hungerford Road increased by 41% during School Street hours

Consultation results 

  • 40 responses received from adults 

  • 13% of respondents state that they have changed the way they travel to sustainable transport modes (65% said no)

  • 33% agreed that air quality has improved around the school during School Street times (28% disagreed)

  • 53% agreed that road danger has reduced during School Street times (30% disagreed)

  • In response to "overall what do you feel about the School Street trial" - 48% of the free text responses were categorised as positive

  • 23 responses received from children of which 70% were categorised as positive 


For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 2 consultation report.

Laycock Primary School


Laycock Street


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Laycock Street (whole length)

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 4 September 2020 
  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.15pm to 4.00pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed?

As part of the council’s People Friendly Streets Programme and Transport Response to Covid19, we are accelerating the council’s School Streets programme and are introducing a School Street in your area.

The School Street will be installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. During this trial period you are invited to have your say along the school, parents and neighbours on whether the School Street should remain in place permanently.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call Islington Council on 020 7527 2000.

Moreland Primary School


Moreland Street, Pickard Street and Gard Street


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Moreland Street, Pickard Street and Gard Street

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.00pm to 4.00pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

In July 2019 the Council consulted local residents, businesses and the Moreland Primary School community on restricting traffic on Moreland Street, Pickard Street and Gard Street at school start and finish times. The results of the consultation showed that 81% of respondents supported the scheme.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call Islington Council on 020 7527 2000

Moreland Primary School consultation

Pooles Park Primary School

The School Street trial at Pooles Park Primary School was suspended on 5 December 2020 indefinitely, due to safety concerns.

The location of the School Street was creating parking pressure on Lennox Road, where the secondary entrance to the school is, and a key walking route. Current traffic arrangements in the area do not allow the council to include Lennox Road to the School Street zone without creating significant diversion routes. Therefore, in consultation with the School, the decision was made to end the trial. 

As a result, pre-consultation counts were not carried out, and subsequently the location was excluded from the School Streets phase 1 consultation monitoring report

Rotherfield primary school


Elizabeth Avenue


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Elizabeth Avenue between New North Road and Rotherfield Street

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 25 March 2019
  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.15pm to 4pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

In November 2018 the Council consulted local residents, businesses and the Rotherfield Primary School community on restricting traffic on Elizabeth Avenue between New North Road and Rotherfield Street, at school start and finish times. The results of the consultation showed that 79% of respondents supported the scheme.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call Islington Council on 020 7527 2000

Rotherfield Primary School consultation

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School


Georges Road.


Improvements outside the school include:

  • widening footpaths 
  • introducing new planting and trees
  • introducing new seating
  • introducing more cycle storage
  • a trial camera-enforced traffic filter.


On Georges Road and at the junction of Georges Road with Eden Grove.

Map of Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School school streets filter with coloured lines and arrows along MacKenzie Road, Eden Grove and Georges Road

When will changes begin?

The traffic filter will start operating on 25 September 2023. It will be enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Blue Badge holders living north of Mackenzie Road to Caledonian Road to the west and Holloway Road to the east, and Hornsey Street to the north will be automatically exempt. If you think you should be exempt but have not received a letter from the council, please email

Why these changes are being made

In January 2023, we consulted local residents, businesses and the Sacred Heart Primary School community on creating a safer and more pleasant area around the school gate as well as introducing a traffic filter on the junction of Georges Road with Eden Grove.

The council collected traffic data in the area in December 2022. There were high levels of cut-through traffic in the area and several collisions.

As a result of the consultation and traffic data, we decided to implement a trial traffic filtered School Street.

Process and objection period

The traffic filter will be introduced as an 18-month trial by an experimental traffic order (ETO). Once the ETO comes into force, there is a six-month objection period.

A formal objection must be in writing and must state the grounds on which it is made. You can make an objection between 7 July 2023 and 6 January 2024 by email to or by post to Environment, 1 Cottage Road, London, N7 8TP.

Please note that that any formal objection submitted may become a public document and could be published.

For the full consultation results for this school, please read the consultation report.

Further documents can be found in the on our School Streets project page.

St Andrew's (Barnsbury) CofE Primary School


Matilda Street.


A temporary road closure was introduced in September 2020.


The full length of Matilda Street.

When will the temporary road closure operate?

• 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.15pm to 4pm during term-time
• Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed?

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in September 2021 and we have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Nitrogen Dioxide levels decreased by 27% since 2018 
  • Traffic has reduced by 59% during School Street operational hours
  • Average speed has remained the same during School Streets operational hours 

Consultation results 

  • 34 responses received from adults 
  • 47% noticed a change in how children and parents are traveling to school (53% said no or no change)  
  • 12% noticed an improvement change in the air quality around the school during school street times (3% said it was worse, 85% didn’t notice a change)  
  • 29% felt safer around the school during school street times (71% didn’t feel safer)  
  • In response to “overall what do you feel about the School Street trial” - 35% of the free text responses were categorised as positive  
  • 27 responses received from children of which 63% were seen as supportive   

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 1 consultation report.

Next steps for St Andrew's Primary School Street

We need to make some changes to the operational times of the School Street. The School Street will now be in operation between 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.00pm and 3.45pm, Monday to Friday during term-time only. We are making these changes to improve driver compliance and safety for those walking, cycling and scooting in the area. 

The new operating hours will be live from Monday 14 March 2022. 

St John Evangelist


St John Evangelist


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Duncan Street, between Islington High Street and Duncan Terrace

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 12 November 2018
  • 8.15am to 9.15am and 3.00pm to 3.45pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

In July 2018 the Council consulted local residents, businesses and the St John Evangelist RC School community on restricting traffic on Duncan St at school start and finish times, the results of the consultation showed the 83% or responders supported the scheme.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call Islington Council on 020 7527 2000

St John Evangelist Catholic School consultation

St John’s Highbury Vale C of E Primary School


Conewood Street and Legard Road.


A temporary road closure was introduced in September 2020.


The full length of Conewood Street and Legard Road.

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 3pm to 4pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed?

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in September 2021 and have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Nitrogen Dioxide levels decreased by 31% since 2018 
  • Traffic has reduced by 31% during School Street operational hours
  • Speed has decreased by 5% during School Streets operational hours 

Consultation results 

  • 55 responses received from adults 
  • 67% noticed a change in how children and parents are traveling to school (33% said no or no change)  
  • 55% noticed an improvement change in the air quality around the school during school street times (2% said it was worse, 44% didn’t notice a change)  
  • 75% felt safer around the school during school street times (25% didn’t feel safer)  
  • In response to “overall what do you feel about the School Street trial” - 80% of the free text responses were categorised as positive  
  • 20 responses received from children of which 95% were seen as supportive   

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 1 consultation report.

St John’s Upper Holloway CofE Primary School


Pemberton Gardens


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Pemberton Gardens (between Pemberton Terrace and St John’s Grove)

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 04 January 2021
  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.00pm to 4.00pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed?

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in February 2022 and have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Traffic across the School Street zone fell during the morning school run by 85% and 78% during afternoon pick-up times
  • The proportion of vehicles speeding decreased by 1% during School Street hours
  • Levels of nitrogen dioxide increased by 14% compared to 2020 and decreased by 18% compared to 2019
  • Cycling levels on Pemberton Gardens decreased by 39% during School Street hours

St Jude and St Paul's CofE Primary School


Kingsbury Road, Kingsbury Terrace and Burder Close.


A temporary road closure was introduced in September 2020.


The full length of Kingsbury Road, Kingsbury Terrace and Burder Close.

When will the temporary road closure operate?

• 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.00pm to 3.45pm during term-time
• Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in September 2021 and we have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Nitrogen Dioxide levels decreased by 32% since 2018 
  • Traffic has reduced by 8% during School Street operational hours
  • Speed has remained the same during School Streets operational hours 

Consultation results 

  • 29 responses received from adults 
  • 41% noticed a change in how children and parents are traveling to school (59% said no or no change)  
  • 17% noticed an improvement change in the air quality around the school during school street times (10% said it was worse, 72% didn’t notice a change)  
  • 34% felt safer around the school during school street times (66% didn’t feel safer)  
  • In response to “overall what do you feel about the School Street trial” - 45% of the free text responses were categorised as positive  
  • 20 responses received from children of which 80% were seen as supportive   

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 1 consultation report.

St Luke's CofE Primary School


Radnor Street, Lizard Street, Bartholomew Square, and Mitchell Street


A temporary road closure will be introduced


The full length of Radnor Street, Lizard Street, Bartholomew Square, and Mitchell Street

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 1 November 2021
  • 8.40am – 9.20am and 3.00pm – 3.45pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

As part of our commitment to make our borough fairer for all, we are working with St Luke’s CofE Primary School to introduce a School Street in your area to make Islington’s streets cleaner, greener and healthier.

The School Street will be installed under an 18 month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. During this trial period you are invited to have your say along the school, parents and neighbours on whether the School Street should remain in place permanently.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on School Streets contact public realm or call us on 020 7527 2000.

St Luke's CofE Primary School

St Marks primary school


Sussex Way, Whewell Road, Landseer Road and Alexander Road


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Sussex Way, between Kingsdown Road and Tollington Way, including Whewell Road, Landseer Road and Alexander Road, from Cornwallis Road to Sussex Way

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 25 March 2019
  • 8.20am to 9.10am and 3.15pm to 4pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

In November 2018 the Council consulted local residents, businesses and the St Marks C of E Primary School community on restricting traffic on sections of Sussex Way, between Kingsdown Road and Tollington Way, including Whewell Road, Landseer Road and Alexander Road, from Cornwallis Road to Sussex Way, at school start and finish times. The results of the consultation showed that 66% of respondents supported the scheme.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call Islington Council on 020 7527 2000

St Mark’s C of E Primary School consultation

St Mary Magdalene Primary School


Lough Road and Bride Street.


A temporary road closure was introduced in September 2020.


Lough Road (between Bride Street and Sheringham Road) and Bride Street (between Liverpool Road and Westbourne Road).

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • 8.00am to 9.00am and 3.15pm to 4.15pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed?

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in September 2021 and have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Nitrogen Dioxide levels decreased by 26% since 2018 
  • Traffic has reduced by 66% during School Street operational hours
  • Speed has decreased by 13% during School Streets operational hours 

Consultation results 

  • 38 responses received from adults 
  • 61% noticed a change in how children and parents are traveling to school (39% said no or no change)  
  • 32% noticed an improvement change in the air quality around the school during school street times (5% said it was worse, 57% didn’t notice a change)  
  • 61% felt safer around the school during school street times (39% didn’t feel safer)  
  • In response to “overall what do you feel about the School Street trial” - 59% of the free text responses were categorised as positive  
  • 30 responses received from children of which 71% were seen as supportive   

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 1 consultation report.

St Mary’s CofE Primary School


Fowler Road


A temporary road closure was introduced in September 2020.


The full length of Half Moon Crescent, Maygood Street and Eckford Street.

When will the temporary road closure operate?

• 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.15pm to 4.00pm during term-time
• Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in September 2021 and we have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Nitrogen Dioxide levels decreased by 32% since 2018 
  • Traffic has reduced by 12% during School Street operational hours
  • Speed has decreased by 7% during School Streets operational hours 

Consultation results 

  • 20 responses received from adults 
  • 30% noticed a change in how children and parents are traveling to school (70% said no or no change)  
  • 20% noticed an improvement change in the air quality around the school during school street times (10% said it was worse, 70% didn’t notice a change)  
  • 45% felt safer around the school during school street times (55% didn’t feel safer)  
  • In response to “overall what do you feel about the School Street trial” - 58% of the free text responses were categorised as positive  
  • 24 responses received from children of which 88% were seen as supportive   

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 1 consultation report.

St Paul's Steiner Primary School


Marquess Road


A temporary road closure will be introduced


The full length of Marquess Road

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 04 January 2021
  • 8.00am to 9.00am and 3.00pm to 4.00pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed?

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in February 2022 and have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Traffic on Marquess Road fell during the morning school run by 91% and 85% during the afternoon pick-up times
  • The proportion of vehicles speeding on Marquess Road remained the same, with no speeding recorded during School Street hours
  • Levels of nitrogen dioxide increased by 12% compared to 2020 and decreased by 17% compared to 2019
  • Cycling levels on Marquess Road increased by 29% during School Street hours

Consultation results 

  • 39 responses received from adults 

  • 26% of respondents state that they have changed the way they travel to sustainable transport modes (69% said no)

  • 36% agreed that air quality has improved around the school during School Street times (26% disagreed)

  • 54% agreed that road danger has reduced during School Street times (36% disagreed)

  • In response to "overall what do you feel about the School Street trial" - 64% of the free text responses were categorised as positive

  • 23 responses received from children of which 67% were categorised as positive  

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 2 consultation report.

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary School


Compton Street (from Agdon Street to Goswell Road) and Cyrus Street


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Compton Street (from Agdon Street to Goswell Road) and Cyrus Street

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 3 June 2019
  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 2.45pm to 3.45pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

In July 2019 the Council consulted local residents, businesses and the St. Peter & St. Paul Catholic Primary School community on restricting traffic on Compton Street (from Agdon Street to Goswell Road) and Cyrus Street at school start and finish times. The results of the consultation showed that 81% of respondents supported the scheme.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call Islington Council on 020 7527 2000

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary School consultation

The Children’s House School


King Henry’s Walk


A temporary road closure will be introduced


King Henry’s Walk (between Queen Margaret’s Grove and Mildmay Grove North) & the full length of St Jude Street

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 04 January 2021
  • 8.15am to 9.00am and 3.00pm to 3.45pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed?

As part of the council’s People Friendly Streets Programme and Transport Response to Covid-19, we are accelerating the council’s School Streets programme and are introducing a School Street in your area.

The School Street will be installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. During this trial period you are invited to have your say along the school, parents and neighbours on whether the School Street should remain in place permanently.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information about this school street please refer to the plan (PDF) and resident notification (PDF)

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call Islington Council on 020 7527 2000

The Gower School


Cynthia Street.


A temporary road closure was introduced in September 2020.


The full length of Cynthia Street.

When will the temporary road closure operate?

• 8.15am to 9.00am and 3.00pm to 3.45pm during term-time
• Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in September 2021 and we have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Nitrogen Dioxide levels decreased by 37% since 2018 
  • Traffic has reduced by 83% during School Street operational hours
  • Speed has decreased by 14% during School Streets operational hours 

Consultation results 

  • 67 responses received from adults 
  • 75% noticed a change in how children and parents are traveling to school (25% said no or no change)  
  • 57% noticed an improvement change in the air quality around the school during school street times (1% said it was worse, 42% didn’t notice a change)  
  • 79% felt safer around the school during school street times (21% didn’t feel safer)  
  • In response to “overall what do you feel about the School Street trial” - 88% of the free text responses were categorised as positive  
  • 20 responses received from children of which 100% were seen as supportive   

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 1 consultation report.

Thornhill Primary School


Thornhill Road and Lofting Road.


A temporary road closure was introduced in September 2020.


Thornhill Road (between Lofting Road and Barnsbury Street) and Lofting Road (between Thornhill Road & Lambert Street).

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 3pm to 3.45pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed? 

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in September 2021 and we have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Nitrogen Dioxide levels decreased by 24% since 2018 
  • Traffic has reduced by 63% during School Street operational hours
  • Speed has decreased by 11% during School Streets operational hours 

Consultation results 

  • 163 responses received from adults 
  • 64% noticed a change in how children and parents are traveling to school (36% said no or no change)  
  • 46% noticed an improvement change in the air quality around the school during school street times (4% said it was worse, 50% didn’t notice a change)  
  • 62% felt safer around the school during school street times (38% didn’t feel safer)  
  • In response to “overall what do you feel about the School Street trial” - 71% of the free text responses were categorised as positive  
  • 41 responses received from children of which 83% were seen as supportive   

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 1 consultation report.

Next steps for Thornhill Primary School Street

We need to make some changes to the operational times of the School Street. The School Street will now be in operation between 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.00pm and 3.45pm, Monday to Friday during term-time only. We are making these changes to improve driver compliance and safety for those walking, cycling and scooting in the area.

The new operating hours will be live from Monday 14 March 2022. 

Tufnell Park Primary School and The Bridge School


Carleton Road and Dalmeny Road.


A temporary road closure was introduced in September 2020.


Carleton road (between Huddleston Road & Dalmeny Avenue) and Dalmeny Road (between Anson Road & Carleton Road).

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • 8.00am to 9.00am and 3.00pm to 4.00pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed?

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in September 2021 and we have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Nitrogen Dioxide levels decreased by 34% since 2018 
  • Traffic has reduced by 62% during School Street operational hours
  • Speed has decreased by 15% during School Streets operational hours 

Consultation results 

  • 94 responses received from adults 
  • 25% noticed a change in how children and parents are traveling to school (75% said no or no change)  
  • 44% noticed an improvement change in the air quality around the school during school street times (1% said it was worse, 55% didn’t notice a change)  
  • 73% felt safer around the school during school street times (27% didn’t feel safer)  
  • In response to “overall what do you feel about the School Street trial” - 72% of the free text responses were categorised as positive  
  • 27 responses received from children of which 93% were seen as supportive   

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 1 consultation report.

Vittoria Primary School


Half Moon Crescent, Maygood Street and Eckford Street.


A temporary road closure was introduced in September 2020.


The full length of Half Moon Crescent, Maygood Street and Eckford Street.

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 2.45pm to 3.45pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in September 2021 and we have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Nitrogen Dioxide levels decreased by 20% since 2018 
  • Traffic has reduced by 27% during School Street operational hours
  • Speed has decreased by 7% during School Streets operational hours 

Consultation results 

  • 4 responses received from adults 
  • 25% noticed an improvement change in the air quality around the school during school street times (75% didn’t notice a change)  
  • 25% felt safer around the school during school street times (75% didn’t feel safer)  
  • In response to “overall what do you feel about the School Street trial” - 50% of the free text responses were categorised as positive  
  • 22 responses received from children of which 86% were seen as supportive   

The response rate was too low to draw representative conclusions at this location. 

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 1 consultation report.

Whitehall Park Primary School


Ashmount Road, Gresley Road and Dresden Road.


A temporary road closure was introduced in September 2020. This was extended into Dresden Road as a trial in March 2023.


The full length of Ashmount Road, Gresley Road and Dresden Road.

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.15pm to 4pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed?

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in September 2021 and decided to make the School Street permanent. 

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 1 consultation report.

School Street extension

The suggestion of extending the existing School Street at Whitehall Park School was first raised in the public consultation on making the School Street permanent in September 2021. The School Street extension into Dresden Road addresses road danger concerns by removing any traffic or additional parking on Dresden Road during the School Street hours when the street is most used by people walking and cycling to school. 

To ensure that you can have your say on how the measures are working, we have chosen to implement the extension on a trial basis, under an Experimental Traffic Order (ETO). An Experimental Traffic Order (ETO) is like a permanent Traffic Regulation Order in that it is a legal document that imposes traffic and parking restrictions. However, unlike a Traffic Regulation Order an ETO can only stay in force for a maximum of 18 months while the effects are monitored and assessed. An ETO is made under Sections 9 and 10 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Once an ETO comes into force there is a six month period in which objections can be made. If the ETO is subsequently modified, objections can be made in the six months following from the date of the changes. You can read more about how to make a formal objection on our Frequently Asked Questions page, under the question 'What is an Experimental Traffic Order (ETO)?'


William Tyndale Primary School


Sable Street


A temporary road closure will be introduced


The full length of Sable Street

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 04 January 2021
  • 8.00am to 9.00am and 3.00pm to 4.00pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed?

As part of the council’s people-friendly streets programme we accelerated the council’s School Streets programme and introduced a School Street in your area.

The School Street was installed under an 18-month experimental traffic order with the council closely monitoring the street to assess the impact on the local area. We consulted on the School Street in February 2022 and have now published the results. 

Monitoring results

  • Traffic on Sable Street fell during the morning school run by 55% and 72% during the afternoon pick-up time
  • The proportion of vehicles speeding on Sable Street remained the same, with no speeding recorded during School Street hours
  • Levels of nitrogen dioxide increased by 5% compared to 2020 and decreased by 16% compared to 2019
  • Cycling levels on Sable Street increased by 93% during School Street hours

Consultation results

  • 37 responses received from adults
  • 22% of respondents state that they have changed the way they travel to sustainable transport modes (73% said no)
  • 57% agreed that air quality has improved around the school during School Street times (22% disagreed)
  • 68% agreed that road danger has reduced during School Street times (24% disagreed)
  • In response to "overall what do you feel about the School Street trial" - 68% of the free text responses were categorised as positive
  • 25 responses received from children of which 52% were categorised as positive

For the full consultation results for this school, please view the full School Streets phase 2 consultation report.

Winton primary school


Killick Street and Collier Street


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Killick Street and Collier Street

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 3 June 2019
  • 8.30am to 9.15am and 3.15pm to 4pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

In February 2019 the Council consulted local residents, businesses and the Winton Primary School community on restricting traffic on Killick Street and Collier Street and no left turn into Southern Street at school start and finish times. The results of the consultation showed that 84% of respondents supported the scheme.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call Islington Council on 020 7527 2000

Winton Primary School consultation

Yerbury primary school


Tytherton Road, Yerbury Road and Foxham Road


A temporary road closure will be introduced


Sections of Tytherton Road, Yerbury Road and Foxham Road

When will the temporary road closure operate?

  • From 25 March 2019
  • 8.45am to 9.30am and 3.15pm to 4pm during term-time
  • Monday to Friday

Why are these changes being proposed

In November 2018 the Council consulted local residents, businesses and the Yerbury Primary School community on restricting traffic on sections of Tytherton Road, Yerbury Road and Foxham Road, at school start and finish times. The results of the consultation showed that 79% of respondents supported the scheme.

Many of Islington’s schools are located in or near areas of high pollution and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. The School Street Scheme aims to reduce through traffic which will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

For more information on school streets contact public realm or call Islington Council on 020 7527 2000

Yerbury Primary School consultation

Useful documents