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Street sign and cone icon

People-friendly streets in Amwell

In November 2020, as part of our people-friendly streets programme, we introduced a low traffic neighbourhood trial in Amwell.

Like many neighbourhoods within the borough, Amwell has suffered from increased traffic volumes in recent years from the use of the area as a short-cut.   

The trial aimed to:

  • Make it easier and safer to walk and cycle
  • Clean up the air we breathe
  • Reduce road danger

We introduced the following traffic filters: Great Percy Street (between Holford Street and Cumberland Gardens), Lloyd Square (north side), Lloyd Square (south side) and Margery Street just west of Wilmington Street.

You can see locations of the traffic filters on Google maps or view the map of the Amwell low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) at the bottom of the page. A downloadable version of the map is available in the 'Useful documents' section of this page.

Next steps for Amwell

In April 2022, we announced that we would be continuing the Amwell PFS neighbourhood and made an important change to allow Blue Badge holders to travel within the neighbourhood. 

New signage was installed at Great Percy Street, the northern and southern sides of Lloyd Square, and Margery Street. 

We have decided to continue the Amwell PFS neighbourhood with the Blue Badge holders exemption on a permanent basis from 6 October 2023. 

Since April 2022, we have continued to monitor the Amwell PFS neighbourhood. The final monitoring results, collected in May 2023 after eligible Blue Badge holders were exempt, demonstrate the Amwell PFS neighbourhood is continuing to have mostly positive impacts. 

The future of the Amwell LTN

We will continue to work to improve the local environment in Amwell, including:

  • People-friendly pavements: we will make improvements to footpaths to ensure they are accessible for waling, wheeling and using buggies. We are exploring how we can make the passage between Lloyd Square and St Helena Street easier to access and move through. 
  • Greening: we will work with local people to implement greening in the Amwell area.
  • Traffic: we will continue to monitor local roads and work with TfL on bus priority measures.


We published the interim monitoring report for the Amwell PFS trial area in July 2021. 

Our pre-consultation monitoring report for the Amwell PFS trial area was published in December 2021. This report includes data one year on from the launch of the people-friendly streets trial in November 2020.

We have now published our most recent monitoring report for the Amwell PFS neighbourhood. This report includes data collected in September 2020, October 2021 and May 2023 to monitor the scheme after we exempted eligible Blue Badge holders. 


We held a public consultation on the Amwell PFS neighbourhood between 15 December 2021 and 31 January 2022.

We published our pre-consultation engagement results report for the Amwell PFS trial. This report includes all feedback up until the public consultation (15 December 2021 – 31 January 2022) from Commonplace and Trial feedback surveys, email correspondence, formal objections and stakeholder meetings.  

We published our independently written consultation report for the Amwell PFS trial. This report includes feedback received through the public consultation (15 December 2021– 31 January 2022). 

You can find a summary of the findings from the consultation on the dedicated consultation webpage.

Map of the Amwell low traffic neighbourhood

Traffic filters are at the following locations: Great Percy Street (between Holford Street and Cumberland Gardens), Lloyd Square (north side), Lloyd Square (south side) and Margery Street just west of Wilmington Street.

Download the map of the Amwell LTN


Useful documents