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Some online forms unavailable

My eAccount and payments are now working as normal following essential website maintenance.

Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

If you can't do what you need to, try again later. We're very sorry if you are affected by this essential work. 


Street sign and cone icon

Scaffolding or gantry

Scaffolding and gantry scaffolding is not permitted on the highway until a licence has been agreed and issued.

A gantry is a temporary structure over sailing and supported from any part of the public highway carrying offices or storages. The aim of licensing is to balance the needs of businesses and residents with the public expectation of an unobstructed footway.

How to apply

You must apply at least 10 working days in advance.

Make sure you include the correct documentation otherwise it could delay the process.

If you're applying for a gantry licence, you must provide:

  • the designed gantry scaffolding structure plans and calculations as prepared and agreed by a suitably qualified person
  • calculations and details of the qualified person or company and it must show that the projecting structure can carry all dead and imposed loadings during its construction and maintenance.

If you're applying for scaffolding, you must provide:

  • a drawing or diagram of the exact location of where scaffold is to be erected
  • the exact location of the lighting equipment inside or outside the vicinity of the scaffolding.

For either gantry or scaffolding, you must provide:

  • the exact site address if different from placement of scaffold or gantry scaffold being erected.
  • a description and extent of works carried out on site
  • estimated dates for which you require the licence
  • confirmation of the licence fee and deposit amount - you do not have to pay as part of the online application
  • confirmation that you hold a public liability policy for the sum of £10 million or above
  • a traffic management plan where the traffic flow will be affected during the erection of the scaffold, while it is in operation and when the scaffolding is being removed, if applicable
  • a pedestrian management plan where pedestrians may be affected during the erection of the scaffold, while the scaffolding is in operation and when the scaffolding is being removed, if applicable.

If you require parking to be suspended, contact the parking section to request this:

Make sure you have all of the information you need before completing the scaffolding and gantries online application form at the bottom of the page.

Fees and payment

Deposits, fees and extensions costs are payable per street. No payment is required with your application. If the application is approved, instructions of how to pay online will be emailed to the applicant.


  • The scaffolding deposit is £50 per pole placed on highway.
  • The gantry scaffolding deposit is £100 per pole placed on highway.

The deposit will cover the costs of any damage caused to the highways that may occur during works. Deposits are held for the period of the licence and we will refund you on written request once the site has been inspected. You must request an inspection to receive your deposit.

Management fees

You must also pay a management fee. The deposit amount determines the management fee.

The licence granted is up to three months. If you need to extend the licence, you must apply 14 days before your existing licence expires. You will be charged the extension fee. Failure to request an extension before the expiry of the licence may also result in an overstay fee being charged.

The licence fee is payable if you apply and later cancel once officers have inspected the site location.


Deposit value Management fee
£750 or less (Level 1) £520
£751 - £1,500 (Level 2) £765
£1501 - £3,000 (Level 3)  £1,220
£3,001 - £6,000 (Level 4)   £1,465
£6001 and more (Level 5) Fee is 40% of deposit 


Any inspection following a valid complaint however received will be subjected to a non-compliance fee. We will email you a payment request and failure to pay will result in the non-compliance fee being deducted from the deposit held.

Deposit value Management fee
£750 or less (Level 1) £1,040
£751 - £1,500 (Level 2) £1,590
£1,501 - £3,000 (Level 3)
£3,001 - £6,000 (Level 4) £2,195
£6,001 or more (Level 5) Fee is 40% of deposit

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