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Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

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Rubbish bins icon

Reducing single use plastic

We're committed to cutting the use of single-use plastic in the borough. Globally, an estimated 8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the sea every year, where it harms animals, damages the environment, and enters the human food chain.

Carry a reusable bag when you go shopping

All shops are now required to charge 10p for each single use carrier bag. Don’t forget to take a reusable bag with you when you’re out and about, and if you’re doing a big shop, clear that cupboard full of bags and take them with you.

Drinking water fountains 

There are lots of public drinking water fountains in parks and public areas, as well as refill points in cafes and bars all over Islington. Download the Refill App to find your nearest refill point.

Refill app

The Refill app enables you to locate local businesses, bars and cafes where water bottles can be refilled, free of charge, no questions asked. Just download the Refill app, and you can refill on the go, wherever you go.

Islington Council is working with City to Sea and local residents and businesses to increase take up of the app.

Recycle your plastic

Islington collects a wide range of different plastics for recycling. Check for information on what you can and can’t recycle in Islington.

Responsible waste management

Through our partnership with the North London Waste authority, we ensure that every bit of plastic that is thrown away or recycled by you, in a litter bin, rubbish bin or recycling bin, is properly managed. Visit the North London Waste Authority website to find out more about what happens to your waste. 

Find out more

See more links in related information on plastic pollution and what you can do to help.

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