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Rubbish bins icon

An estate or block of flats

Estates and blocks of flats have regular recycling and rubbish collections from communal bins.

What we collect

We collect the following from your communal bins: 

We are expanding communal food waste recycling service to all suitable blocks and estates of seven households and over. We're asking residents, landlords, managing agents and RSLs to email to request the service (if you don’t already have it). We provide bins, leaflets, caddies, liners and collections free of charge.  

When we collect it

  • If you live on an estate or in a block of flats, all recycling, food waste (if this service is provided), and rubbish is collected at least weekly from communal bins. 
  • Some estates have a chute for household recycling and rubbish. If you have a chute, please place your refuse in bin liners before putting it in the correct chute. Only use the chute between 8am and 8pm so you don’t disturb your neighbours. 
  • Do not put your recycling in black bags. You can collect free clear recycling bags from your local libraryWe are trialling home deliveries on request of recycling bags. If you live in Caledonian Road or Liverpool Road please request a delivery of recycling bags.

Enter your postcode to find your collection day.

Find your collection day

What we provide

We provide residents who live on an estate or in a block of flats with: 

  • communal recycling containers 
  • communal food waste recycling containers (where this service is provided) 
  • communal rubbish containers

Please note, compostable caddy liners for food waste are free and you can get them from your local library, and some community centres and estate offices or concierges. You can also request a food waste caddy.

We also provide posters and leaflets about recycling properly for anyone living or staying in Islington, such as in rented accommodation.