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How to pay the infrastructure levy

When your commencement notice is received, a demand notice for payment will be sent those who have assumed liability to pay.

This invoice will explain:

  • the date you must pay the CIL by (usually 60 days from the date of commencement)
  • amount due in each instalment, if instalments apply
  • date each instalment must be paid by, if instalments apply.

If payment is more is more than £500,000, you can pay in instalments.

The below instalments policy has been prepared and published in accordance with regulation 69B of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended).

The instalments policy takes effect on 1 September 2014.

The London Borough of Islington (the Charging Authority) will allow payment of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) required by its Charging Schedule as follows:

Amount of CIL liability

Payment periods and amounts

Amounts equal to or more than £50 but less than £500,000

The whole amount shall be paid not more than 60 days after commencement.

Amounts equal to or more than £500,000 but less than £2,000,000

  1. First instalment: the greater of £500,000 or 50% of the value of the total payable amount 60 days after commencement
  2. Second instalment: remaining balance payable within 240 days of the commencement of the development.

Amounts equal to or more than £2,000,000 but under £8,000,000

  1. First instalment: the greater of £1,000,000 or 33% of the value of the total payable amount 60 days after commencement.
  2. Second instalment: the greater of £1,000,000 or 33% of the value of the total payable amount 240 days after commencement.
  3. Third instalment: Remaining balance payable within 420 days of the commencement of the development.

Amounts equal to or more than £8,000,000

  1. First instalment: the greater of £2,640,000 or 25% of the value of the total payable amount 60 days after commencement.
  2. Second instalment: the greater of £2,640,000 or 25% of the value of the total payable amount 240 days after commencement.
  3. Third instalment: the greater of £2,640,000 or 25% of the value of the total payable amount 420 days after commencement.
  4. Fourth instalment: Remaining balance payable within 600 days of the commencement of the development.

If you don’t pay on time you’ll be liable for legal action. You may also be liable for extra costs and interest.

You can read more about how the CIL is enforced on planning practice guidance.