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Planning document icon

Packington Estate

A planning brief was adopted for the Packington Estatate in 2004, after consultation with local residents, businesses, users of the local parks and users of the canal. The planning brief proposes that the Packington Estate is redeveloped to provide good quality, sustainable housing for social renting with an element of housing for sale, as well as improved community facilities to support the needs of local people. The draft planning brief can be downloaded by clicking under useful websites on the right of this page.

A masterplan was then produced in 2005. This Masterplan helped the Council select a partner for the redevelopment and formed the basis for developing the proposals for the new homes to be built here, as well as assessing future planning applications. This masterplan can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

After wide ranging consultation that included substantial input from tenants and leaseholders, Hyde Housing Association was chosen in December 2005. It was felt that the Hyde scheme successfully met the majority of the requirements and offered the best opportunity to realise the aspirations of Packington residents for the future of the estate. Planning applications were subsequently submitted and approved in 2007. Progress on the redevelopment is currently underway.