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Lamb's Passage

Islington Council is keen to see improvements to the large open land at the junction of Lamb’s Passage and Sutton's Way. This long-neglected site in the south of the borough suffers from a lack of proper street frontages. Given its extremely central location, it would be desirable to turn the site from a back yard to a proper urban square that serves the community.

The broad aims for the brief are:

  • a new two-storey block with about nine live/ work units on the west side, abutting the faceless ground and first floor of the Whitbread Centre

  • a new four-storey block with about nine flats above retail on the north side, replacing the faceless Works Building

  • a preferably car-free open space (option 1: car-free, except disabled parking provision; option 2: continuing provision of residents’ car parking on the south side of the open land).

This brief is a framework and should not be mistaken for a specific design proposal. Images of future development within the brief should only give you an indication of the scale and character of the development. The council carried out consultation on the brief, which included local residents and amenity groups. The brief was adopted in November 20006.

The council carried out consultation on the brief, which included local residents and amenity groups. The brief was adopted in November 2006.

The brief is available to download below, by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.

A specific policy for this site has also been included within the Finsbury Local Plan.