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King's Cross

Information about regeneration and redevelopment of King's Cross.

King's Cross gyratory

The council supports the proposal to transform the King’s Cross Gyratory, to reduce road danger and improve conditions for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport. In 2016, Transport for London (TfL) carried out a public consultation on plans that had been developed in partnership with Islington and Camden councils. Progress on the proposals has been delayed, but the delivery of improvements remain a council priority.

View the result of the 2016 consultation on the TfL website.

King's Cross Central

King’s Cross Central in Camden is currently the largest development project in Western Europe. The area is developing as a transport hub and a key destination.  An exciting new mixed-use development is proposed for King’s Cross Central including a university, 1,700 residential units, 650 units for student housing, over 450,000sqm for business and employment, over 45,000sqm for retail and food and drink outlets, over 70,000sqm for community use, over 28,000sqm for leisure, the creation of three new public squares and major investment in the public transport interchange at King’s Cross and St Pancras Stations. For further information, please go to the King’s Cross Central website

Cally Plan (SPD)

The Cally Plan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) covers a section of Caledonian Road from the Regent’s Canal north to Pentonville Prison known as the Cally, and the area to the west which connects the Cally to York Way and King's Cross. The SPD sets out a vision for the future of this area and includes projects and policy guidance to improve the Cally and achieve this vision.

King's Cross Place Plan

King’s Cross is an important and vibrant area that will experience major growth and change in the coming years, mainly as a result of the King’s Cross Central development and improvements to King’s Cross Station. These changes create both opportunities and challenges for local communities. 

Islington and Camden Councils have therefore been working together to develop a Place Plan for the King’s Cross area. This plan sets out a vision for the future of King’s Cross that reflects the priorities for the area. It is supported by a set of actions to ensure that changes in the area deliver services, facilities and public spaces that meet the needs of people who live, work and visit the area.  The Place Plan was adopted by Islington’s Executive on 3 July 2012. It was also separately adopted by Camden Council.

King's Cross Islington (SPD)

A Supplementary Planning Document was created for the part of King’s Cross that falls within Islington, called the Neighbourhood Framework document.  This document comprises nine Neighbourhood Action Plans which are designed to identify opportunities for improvement and change in each area, and directly benefit the communities there.

New developments in King’s Cross Islington that have recently been successfully delivered include King’s Place and the Regent’s Quarter.  King’s Place opened its doors to the public in 2008.  It is a successful mixed-use development housing the Guardian and Observer officers, a music venue, gallery, restaurant and café.

Heritage-based regeneration has taken place further south along York Way in the form of the Regent’s Quarter.  Through the creative re-use of existing nineteenth century buildings, the regeneration has created a distinctive urban quarter based on the area’s industrial heritage.  It is a pioneering example of conservation-led regeneration and is proving a commercial success. 

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