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Highbury Roundhouse

The Highbury Roundhouse's bottleworks building was closed in August 2010 after the District Surveyor served a Dangerous Structure Notice because of serious concerns over cracks in the walls and subsidence.

Network Rail also served an Asset Protection Notice on the council because of the risk of landslip onto the rail tracks below the building.

Since August 2010 the council, which owns the building, has looked at every option from repair to reprovision.  After careful consideration, the council intends to provide a new community centre.

Highbury Roundhouse is a much loved and highly valued part of the community and the council is committed to working with Highbury Roundhouse to ensure that it can continue to serve local people in the longer term.  The council continues to fund the Roundhouse’s work in other local centres, and the Highbury Roundhouse is still using its other council-owned building at 71 Ronalds Road..

Planning Brief for 71 Ronalds Road and the Highbury Roundhouse site

The Planning Brief for 71 Ronalds Road and the Highbury Roundhouse site was adopted by the council's Executive Committee at their 7 February 2012 meeting. The final document is available for download below. A Consultation Report summarising the consultation process, feedback from the consultation and the council's response to key issues is also available for download below.