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Supporting Documentation (Additional Requirements)

Types of planning application

Where planning permission or consent is necessary for development you will need to submit the appropriate planning application form. Types of planning application and associated guidance can be found on the Planning Portal.

Supporting documentation (requirements)

All planning applications need supporting documentation, known as ‘requirements’. These requirements vary according to the type and scale of application. The combined use of the National Validation Requirements and Local Validation Requirements provides both the authority and applicant with more certainty of the type of information required from the start of the process and helps to make sure that the information requested is proportionate to the type and scale of application being made. This approach:

  • provides a guide to the information that may be required at the outset
  • ensures consistency between different local planning authorities in registering and validating applications whilst recognising the need for flexibility appropriate to local circumstances
  • allows the local planning authority to provide applicants with certainty as to the information they will be required to supply
  • enables the local planning authority to have all the necessary information to decide the application within the government's agreed timetable

National validation requirements

The following types of supporting documentation must be supplied with all planning application: certificates, correct fee, design and access statements and scaled drawings and plans.

Local validation requirements

Certain types of supporting documentation will also need to be supplied with your application. The requirements will depend on the type of application that you are submitting and the works that you intend to complete.

The adopted Islington Local Validation Requirements document below explains the applicability and content of the reports and assessments that may be required as part of the application process. The checklist below is designed to be used flexibly as the requirements should be tailored to the planning proposal itself and its potential impacts. If the applicant considers that particular reports are unnecessary in the context of a proposed scheme, then the planning application should be accompanied by an explanation of why these reports are not necessary.

Please visit our Requirements for valid planning application webpage and learn how to avoid the top reasons why planning applications are made invalid.


Most types of Planning applications require a fee to be submitted in order for it to be made valid. Use the Planning Portal's fee calculator.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Islington Council is the CIL Collecting Authority for developments in Islington and collects both the London Borough of Islington CIL, and Mayor of London's CIL.

Applications proposing new buildings or extensions that involve the creation of one or more new dwellings, or 100 square metres or more of new gross internal floorspace are likely to be CIL liable. Developments involving the creation of new dwellings will be CIL chargeable even where the additional floorspace is below 100 square metres. Applicants are required to submit a CIL Additional Information Requirement form for applications that may be CIL liable.

For further information on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) please visit our Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) webpages.

Affordable housing - small site contributions SPD

This document provides information about the requirements for financial contributions from minor residential planning applications (below 10 units) towards the provision of affordable housing in Islington.

The Affordable Housing Small Sites Contributions SPD and supporting documents can be viewed in our SPD section.

Modifying S106 Agreement

Download the application form for modification or discharge of planning obligation.

Environmental design SPD

The Environmental Design SPD, adopted in October 2012, provides guidance on how new development in Islington should be designed and built so that positive effects on people's quality of life and the local environment are maximised and negative environmental impacts are minimised or avoided.

The SPD has a requirement for minor new-build developments of one unit or more to offset all remaining CO2 emissions not dealt with by onsite measures through a financial contribution. A template for the Unilateral Undertaking and other documents can be downloaded via the links at the bottom of this page. The Environmental Design SPD and supporting documents can be viewed in our SPD section.

Carbon offsetting requirements

The council adopted the Environmental Design Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on 25 October 2012. This document is supplementary to Islington's Core Strategy policy CS10 Part A, which requires minor new-build developments of one residential unit or more to offset all regulated CO2 emissions not dealt with by onsite measures through a financial contribution. The cost of the off-set contribution is a flat fee based on the development type as follows:

  • Houses (£1500 per house)
  • Flats (£1000 per flat)

In order to facilitate an assessment of your planning application against this planning policy you are required to pay the full contribution sought in the SPD and will need to submit the following information to support your application and to make the application valid:

  • A completed 'UU1-Unilateral Undertaking Carbon Offset Contribution April 2014' document which is at the bottom of the page under related documents. The 'Unilateral undertaking guidance note - carbon offsetting' is also there to help you complete the template.
  • Up-to-date evidence of all the title to the application site. This will usually be by way of up to date office copy entries available from the Land Registry website.
  • You need to fill in the 'LBI small sites agreement to pay fees and sign' document. Please ensure you quote the application reference number on all correspondence.

Affordable housing small sites requirements

The council formally adopted the Affordable Housing Small Sites Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on 25 October 2012. This document is supplementary to Islington's Core Strategy policy CS12 Part G, which states that development proposals below a threshold of 10 residential units (gross) will be required to provide a financial contribution towards affordable housing provision elsewhere in the borough. In order to facilitate the assessment of your planning application against this planning policy you are required to either agree to pay the full contribution sought in the SPD; or submit a viability assessment to demonstrate that the full contribution is not viable and that instead a lesser contribution should be made.

In each case you will need to submit the following information to support your application and to make your application valid:

An Agreement to pay full contribution as set out in SPD;


  • A completed 'UU2-Unilateral Undertaking Affordable Contribution April 2014' document (leaving the figure for the Affordable Housing Contribution in the definition section blank) which you can find at the bottom of the page; and up-to-date evidence of all the title to the application site. This will normally be way of office copy entries available from the Land Registry website.
  • A completed 'LBI small sites agreement to pay fees and sign UU_191015' document to pay council's legal and/or surveyor's fees which can be found below under related documents.
  • A submission of a viability assessment to demonstrate that the full contribution is not viable: A completed 'LBI viability spreadsheet - affordable housing' document which you can find at the bottom of page under related documents and any relevant supporting information.
  • Please ensure you quote the application reference number on all correspondence.

See related pages to find further information about the Environment Design and Affordable Housing Small Sites SPDs.

Health Impact Assessments (HIAs)

HIAs provide a systematic approach for assessing the potential impacts of development on the social, psychological and physical health of communities. Ensuring health issues are considered at an early stage in developing planning proposals can lead to improvements in both the physical and mental health of the population. Major applications are required to complete a screening assessment at pre-application stage. This allows time for further investigation and/or resolution of health impacts should they be identified. Further guidance about HIAs and the screening process can be downloaded below.

Further information

If you need further information please contact the case officer allocated to your application. The planning phone line 020 7527 6743 is open from 10.00am-1.00pm on weekdays for calls regarding live applications. 

For applications assigned to the SL1 team please email with your enquiry and an officer will contact you.