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Parks icon

Whittington Park

Whittington Park is a popular park in the north of the Islington, named after Dick Whittington. There are lots of things to do including playing sports and enjoying the wildlife pond.

Park features

  • Park keeper
  • Children's playground with sand pits, a water play feature and accessible toilets
  • Natural play area
  • Wildlife pond and ecology garden
  • Woodland
  • RSPB sparrow meadow
  • War memorial
  • Community Classroom
  • Whittington Park One O'clock Club
  • Designated as a Site of Local Importance to Nature Conservation

Sports facilities

  • Full size, floodlit, Astroturf football pitch with step free access and changing rooms. You can book the pitch here. 
  • Two outdoor table tennis tables
  • Free outdoor gym facility


Holloway Road, N19 


4.09 hectares or 10.11 acres

Getting there

Buses: 17, 43, 271 to Holloway Road

Tube: Archway 

Train: Upper Holloway 


Use Interactive Maps to identify nearest disabled parking bays and distance from public transport routes. A Disabled Access Guide is available at Disabled Go.

Opening times

All parks with gates open by 8am daily. All of our parks are open 365 days a year (including Christmas and New Year's Day).

Closing times 

Closing times vary throughout the year, but it's usually at sunset. You can find monthly closing times below:

  • January - 5pm
  • February - 6pm
  • March (GMT*) - 6pm
  • March (BST*) - 8pm
  • April - 8pm
  • May - 9pm
  • June - 9pm
  • July - 9pm
  • October (BST*)- 7pm
  • October (GMT*) - 5pm
  • November - 5pm
  • December - 5pm

*GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) - times stated are valid until the clocks go forward one hour in March and from when the clocks go back one hour in October.

*BST (British Summer Time) - times stated are valid from when the clocks go forward one hour in March and until the clocks go back one hour in October.


Assistant Parks Manager, Public Realm Division


Telephone: 020 7527 2000

Text: 'Greenspace' + your message to 80800