Created with Camden Council, our shared vision is that by 2030:
- Our public parks and green spaces are used, enjoyed, and maintained as health assets for the whole community.
- Everyone feels welcome in our parks. More people than ever before visit and stay for longer – enjoying nature and taking part in activities which make them healthy and happy.
- Our parks are places where people can come together or spend time alone, be active or pause and reflect.
Our parks are at the heart of community life. Our plans to achieve the Parks for Health vision are stated in our strategy, which has six themes.
- Investing in our parks and green spaces to safeguard their future.
- Developing our workforce to strengthen our capacity to improve the health of our residents and reduce inequalities.
- Involving our voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations more closely in parks.
- Embedding parks into the strategies and services of our health and social care partners.
- Improving resident engagement.
- Widening our strategic partnerships to maximise the reach of Parks for Health.
The strategy is supported by a delivery plan, which sets out what we will do and when, and how we will know if we succeed.
It is part of the council's plan to create a cleaner, greener, healthier borough.
The strategy and plans were drawn up with support from the health and voluntary sectors; Friends of Parks and park user groups; councillors, council officers, and strategic partnerships; London-wide and nationwide organisations; the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the National Trust, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, and the Greater London Authority.
Read the full Parks for Health strategy (PDF)