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How our parks are maintained

Most of our parks and many estate green spaces are maintained by our Grounds Maintenance Service. However, at some of our parks this carried out by local residents.

Sustainable grounds maintenance

  • Designing drought tolerant planting schemes, including herbaceous perennials which need minimal watering when established. 
  • Reducing the amount of hard surfacing in parks and on streets so that water can drain naturally into the ground.
  • Retaining soil moisture by increasing the use of mulch and by relaxing mowing regimes to create long grass areas. 
  • Increasing use of ground cover planting to reduce weeds and water loss and create habitats for wildlife. 
  • Reducing the use of pesticides. 
  • Increasing use of organic mulch to increase soil fertility, improve soil structure, increase soil fauna and increase water retention. 
  • Protecting wildlife and biodiversity with the Parks Habitat Action Plan.
  • Taintaining meadows and woodland areas.

The council's Greenspace Service has a certified ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. You can download Islington Council's Environmental Policy (PDF). 

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Text: 'Greenspace' + your message to 80800