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My eAccount, payments and online forms unavailable - Sunday 9 March from 9am to 5pm

We will be doing important maintenance on our website from 9am until 5pm on Sunday 9 March. This means that you won't be able to use My eAccount, pay for services or fill in some online forms during this time.

If you can't do what you need to, try again later. We're very sorry if you are affected by this essential work. 

Parking sign icon

Suspension of parking bay terms and conditions

Terms and conditions when you’re applying to suspend a parking bay.

  • The cost for a resident to suspend a space or a whole bay for a single day will be £133.40 administration charge and first day parking. This is for as many spaces within the bay as required. There is a subsequent daily charge of £42.70 for each parking space per day from day two, excluding Sundays and bank holidays.
  • The cost for a business or utility company to suspend a space or whole bay will be £266.75 administration charge and first day parking, then £42.70 for each subsequent parking space per day from day two, excluding Sundays and bank holidays.
  • Vehicles must not wait in a suspended bay and will be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice and subsequently relocated. However, vehicles that are listed in the application form can load and unload from the suspended bay(s) for as long as is necessary, or may be used for such purposes as agreed. Details of any vehicles must be provided and agreed by Parking Services.
  • Please check all receipts sent to you are correct, if there are any errors please email
  • The charge is payable once the suspension has been entered. Payment must be made by Credit / Debit card.
  • The application must be submitted at least 14 days before the suspension start date for all Parking Bay types.
  • We will suspend the area requested, or an equivalent nearby area and will notify our Enforcement Service. 
  • Advance Warning Notices will be at the location requested where possible 10 days before the suspension starts, but we cannot guarantee the area will be kept clear.
  • To remove unauthorised vehicles parked in suspended bays contact our Parking Enforcement Contractor on 0207 527 7624, who will be respond subject to available resources.
  • If the suspension needs to be extended, the request and payment of the extension must be received at least 4 working days before the current suspension ends.
  • Once processed, suspension dates cannot be brought forward.
  • Failure to give sufficient notice will require a new application form to be re submitted and standard charges will be applied.
  • All cancellations or date changes of suspensions must be made by email.
  • For cancellations, a refund may be arranged for remaining days providing the bays or spaces have been put back to use.
  • A cancelled suspension may only be fully refunded if the advance warning notices have not been created and places in the parking bay.
  • Equipment provided by Islington Parking Services must not be moved, changed or removed.
  • Advance warning notices and cones remain the property of Islington Council and will be removed by Islington Parking Services.
  • Parking suspensions are usually enforced in line with controlled parking zone hours, unless your application states 24 hour enforcement. 
  • If for any reason the suspension is not utilised as stated on the application, or if works do not take place from the start date requested, the suspensions team has the authority to remove the suspension and reinstate parking. Any payments made may not be refunded and future applications may be refused. To avoid this, it is essential that you email as soon as possible. Please include the Parking Suspension IZS reference in your email.
  • In the event of an emergency Islington Council has the authority to suspend any parking bay or space immediately if required.
  • We use special yellow signs to show where a bay is suspended. As this sign is not one of the usual signs you see on street we have approval from the Department for Transport (DFT) in order to use it.

Data protection statement

Personal data has been collected by London Borough of Islington in order to manage this application, under the Traffic Management Act 2004. 

Your personal data may be collected, processed, shared and retained in order to carry out the performance of a public task and fulfil our legal obligations in the following ways.

Shared with Islington Streetworks Section for the purposes of co-ordinated street management

Data will be stored for a period of five years.

Your Data Rights In relation to the personal data which we may hold about you, you have the right to request to:

  • Be informed, have access or rectify incorrect information. You also have the right to object to or restrict our processing of your data.
  • Under Data Protection law we must verify your identity and explain to you our reasons if we do not agree to carry out your request.

If you would like more information about how we use your data, please read our privacy policy or you can listen to our privacy policy by telephoning 0207 527 2000.

Data protection questions can be made by email or in writing to Data Protection Officer, c/o Information Governance Team, London Borough of Islington, 4th floor, 7 Newington Barrow Way, London N7 7EP. You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.