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Parking sign icon

Estate Traffic Management Orders

Find out how we are planning to manage estate parking by introducing traffic management orders.

Traffic management orders are legal documents introduced by councils to regulate parking restrictions under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

They can bring:

  • new parking enforcement signs
  • renewed bay markings
  • new yellow lines where necessary.

Introducing traffic management orders is necessary to keep estate access clear for people who use resident parking bays and essential service vehicles. It will improve estate parking control and enforcement by allowing Civil Enforcement Officers to patrol estates and issue penalty charge notices (PCNs). 

Consultations on estate parking traffic management orders

We carried out an estate resident consultation on estate parking in 2019. The majority of residents supported our allocated parking system of numbered bays and the introduction of traffic management orders.

We consult on every estate parking traffic management order. We will deliver leaflets to each home, display consultations on notice boards and update our consultation webpage. We publish notices in the press, including the Islington Tribune, starting a statutory consultation period of 21 days.

View consultations

Reporting problems with estate parking

On estates where the consultation is over and we have introduced a traffic management order, we will change enforcement signage and a parking hotline service will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 020 7527 7624 or email during office hours.

Apply for estate parking

We will continue to allocate numbered parking bays. To apply for estate parking:

You can see prices on our estate parking costs table.

Frequently asked questions about traffic management orders on estates

Will I be able to keep my allocated parking bay?

Yes, there is no change to the system we use to allocate individually numbered bays.

Will I need a new permit?

No, you can still use your current permit. We will contact you when it needs renewing.

Will the cost of my permit change?

The cost of your permit will not change because of traffic management orders.

Can I park in front of my garage?

You can park in front of your garage only if the garage entrance is part of your tenancy or property lease and the vehicle fits into the space.        

Can we still use blue badges?

Residents who are disabled get priority for allocation of a parking bay for themselves or their carers. Visitors using a blue badge should only park in marked blue badge bays on estates, where available. See guidance for using blue badges outside estates on public roads.

Can I still use my estate visitor voucher scratch cards? 

Yes, on participating estates visitor vouchers will still be valid. To buy these, email

Where can I park if I or my visitors have visitor vouchers?

Bays that are currently marked ‘V’ for 'visitors' will be re-marked with the letters ‘SU’ for 'shared use' by vehicles displaying valid visitor vouchers, council vans and contractor’s vehicles displaying temporary permits. Where possible we will increase the number of these bays. 

On some estates, where is very high demand for resident parking, only one or two ‘SU’ bays can be provided and these will be for use by council and contractor vehicles only. Visitor vouchers have not been issued on these estates.

What about deliveries?

Short-term deliveries, such as food and packages, can continue as long as they do not cause an obstruction. For planned heavy deliveries that may take longer, you can request a temporary permit in advance by email:

Where can motorcycles and mopeds park?

Motorcycle bays are provided on some estates. These are currently free and no permit is required. Motorcyclists who wish to rent their own estate space or garage should email or apply online.

Solo motorcycle stands are available on public roads for Pay by Phone motorcycle parking. Motorcyclists can purchase permits for use in resident bays on public roads online.