If you are interested in what is going on in your local area, you can join the growing IslingtonLife community.
IslingtonLife is the council’s brand for community news, events, local businesses and people. It is made up of a quarterly printed magazine, website, email bulletin and social media channels.
The website is regularly updated and a good place to find out about events that are happening locally, read about people and businesses in the borough, and discover more about Islington’s rich history.
You can also sign up on the website to receive the monthly residents’ email bulletin.
Sign up for the IslingtonLife email bulletin
Stay informed through IslingtonLife’s social media channels: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
Email Islingtonlife@islington.gov.uk for more details.
IslingtonLife magazine
If you're an Islington resident you will receive our quarterly IslingtonLife magazine to your door, or you can pick one up from your local library or community centre.
Are you a resident and not receiving the magazine? Let us know by completing this short online form.