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Get an empty property back into use

An empty property is a waste. The council works together with owners to turn empty properties back into much needed homes.

In order to bring empty privately owned homes back into use, we need the help of landlords, owners and residents to identify all empty flats and houses in the borough.

Spotting an empty property

Spotting an empty property is not always easy as an empty property might be well looked after. There's a good chance the property is still empty if:

  • the property is boarded up or has metal screens over the doors and windows
  • no one is ever seen entering or leaving the property
  • the front and back gardens are very overgrown
  • there is rubbish dumped at the front or back of the property
  • there are pests and vermin
  • there is evidence of squatting or illegal activities
  • the property looks derelict, with broken windows and doors, holes in the roof or a large amount of uncollected post has built up.

How we are turning empty properties back into homes

Islington Council is committed to providing more good quality, decent homes by encouraging and supporting owners to bring their properties back into use.

The council can help with grants (subject to availability) and advice so that the property can produce an income for the owners and provide a much needed home for a family.

We offer as much assistance and advice as possible.  If the owner of an empty property will not bring the property back into use the council will consider taking legal action as a last resort.


Contact the Residential Environmental Heath Team by emailing or by calling 020 7527 3083.