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Safe and warm grants

If you own the property you live in, and claim certain benefits or are over 60 with severe health conditions, you may be eligible for help to replace your boiler when it breaks down.

Who is eligible?

Grant assistance is available for a household claiming qualifying benefits or if over 60 with severe health related conditions.

Qualifying benefits: 

  • universal credit (not when your UC award is £0.00)
  • income support
  • income-related employment and support allowance (not contribution-based ESA alone)
  • income-based jobseeker’s allowance (not contribution-based JSA alone)
  • guarantee pension credit (not savings pension credit alone)
  • working tax credit and/or child tax credit where your household income for the purpose of tax credits assessment was below £15,050
  • housing benefit

Severe health-related conditions (for over 60’s – medical G.P. or NHS certification is required):

  • dementia or severe mental illness
  • respiratory disease
  • cardiovascular disease
  • autoimmune disease
  • haemoglobinopathies

How to apply  

Contact the Grant Team on 020 7527 3104 or email 

Find out more about the process and if you qualify