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New building

New council homes in Islington

There is a desperate shortage of council homes in Islington and across London. To tackle this housing crisis and provide new homes for residents we are building more than 750 new council homes. This is part of the biggest scheme to build new council homes in Islington for a generation.

Our new homes are built to a high standard and include homes suitable for those with limited mobility, for example, wheelchair users. Our local lettings policy gives local residents priority for the new homes we build, particularly those living in homes that don’t meet their current needs.

Ideally all our new homes would be council homes, however, to pay for the new build schemes we have to sell some of the homes we build to fund the overall project.

We don’t just build new homes; we make improvements that benefit all residents. These can include improving the landscaping on an estate, installing better lighting, the addition of cycle parking and providing play spaces for children.

We are committed to building a fairer Islington and as part of this we employ local residents through our apprenticeship scheme on our new build projects. 

Dipo’s story

Dipo and his family moved into one the new council homes built in the borough. He talked to us about the benefits their new home has brought them.