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Some online forms unavailable

My eAccount and payments are now working as normal following essential website maintenance.

Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

If you can't do what you need to, try again later. We're very sorry if you are affected by this essential work. 


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Temporary accommodation cost

When you first move in to temporary accommodation you will be given details of how much you need to pay to live in your property.

If it is appropriate, we will help you make a claim for a housing benefit. Until your housing benefit application has been processed which may take a few weeks, you will be expected to pay the whole cost yourself.

Temporary accommodation can be expensive and the “benefit cap” may mean that not all your rent is covered by housing benefit. You are expected to keep up to date with your payments and not get into arrears. If you are in arrears you will not be eligible for an offer of permanent housing.

It is important that you respond to any letters the Housing Benefit team send you about your claim. They may need you to supply more information so they can process your claim. Please make sure you provide all documents they ask for so we can process your claim as fast as possible and avoid building up arrears.


If you are having difficulties paying your rent you must contact your temporary accommodation officer without delay to discuss additional support or agree to a payment plan.

If you fall behind with your payments and get into arrears and do not contact the council you are at serious risk of the council taking formal action against you which means you will be at risk of losing your accommodation. If this happens the council may consider that you have made yourself intentionally homeless, which means we may no longer have a duty to house you. The result of this would mean that you have to leave the temporary accommodation and make your own arrangements.

Viewing your rent account

To view your balance and any payment made, please sign up for or log in to your My eAccount.