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Frequently asked questions by homeless households placed in hotels

More information about homeless households placed in hotels

Why have I been placed in a hotel?

After you make a homeless application to us, we may need to place you in temporary accommodation while we consider your application. We would usually be able to find you a place in one of our reception centres or another self-contained property with your own cooking facilities but this type of temporary accommodation is not available now.

We will keep looking for self-contained accommodation and will move you as soon as a property becomes available.

Can I stay in the same room / hotel for my whole stay?

Hotels still take regular bookings. We will try to keep you in the same room but we may not ne able to extend the booking for the room you have and you will need to move to another room or hotel.

Will meals be provided?

We will pay for you and your family to have breakfast and an evening meal in the hotel restaurant. This is because you do not have your own cooking facilities in the hotel. You will have to pay for any other food.

Will I need to pay for the room?

Yes. You will be told at the time you are booked in how much you have to pay towards the cost of accommodation.

If you are on a low income you will be able to make a claim for Housing Benefit. It is important that you respond to any letters the Housing Benefit team send you about your claim. They may need you to supply more information so that they can process your claim. Please make sure you provide all documents they ask for.