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Some online forms unavailable

My eAccount and payments are now working as normal following essential website maintenance.

Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

If you can't do what you need to, try again later. We're very sorry if you are affected by this essential work. 


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What happens once you have applied for housing

Once we have processed your application, we let you know how many points you have. We allocate housing based on need, not waiting time. So it is important that you let us know of any change of circumstances by keeping your details up to date.

Checking how many points you have

If you use the online form to apply, you will see how many points you have straight away at the end of the form.

If you send us a paper application, we will send your points amount within six weeks unless we need more information to make an assessment.

Information we check

We will check if you:

  • have registered with us for housing before
  • owe rent from another tenancy
  • have ever been evicted
  • or anyone on your application owns or part-owns a home.
  • live in a Housing Association property and will contact them to confirm your tenancy details
  • have an immigration status that stops us from giving you a tenancy.

We will keep your details for our records in accordance with our data protection and privacy rules.

Documents you need to provide

If Islington Council considers you for housing, we will ask you to provide documents to prove:

  • your identity 
  • the identity of the people in your household 
  • that you have custody or legal guardianship for any children on your form 
  • that you live where you say you do.

If you let us know that you have medical problems made worse by your housing circumstances, we will send you a medical form to complete.

What happens if you are eligible for council housing

If you have enough points, you can start bidding for housing - this lets us know you are interested in the properties we have available. You can bid through our Home Connections website.

If you are successful in bidding for a property, you may have to provide proof of identity and address at short notice. We may also need to visit you at your home. If we request information from you and do not receive it within 48 hours of requesting it, you will not be offered the property you have bid for. 

Updates after joining the housing register 

We will only contact you to ask if you still want to remain on the housing register. If you do not respond, we will close your application.

If your situation changes

You must let us know if any of your household or accommodation details change as soon as you can. For example, let us know if:

  • you move home
  • you have a child
  • a member of your household leaves home.

Let us know about any changes by filling in the change of circumstance form as soon as you can.

If your application contains old or wrong information, any property offer can be withdrawn and you could be prosecuted.