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Housing options for older people

There are many ways you can get help to move if you are already an Islington tenant, from downsizing to relocation. Sheltered housing schemes are also open to you whether you are already a social housing tenant or not.

Sheltered Housing

Sheltered housing means properties specially designed for older people. They are made up of individual self-contained properties and most have communal areas for tenants to socialise in. There is also a 24-hour emergency on-call system and a manager.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be aged 55 years or over and need some support -  for example help with personal care, medical or social issues.

How does it work?

Sheltered housing schemes are owned and run by housing associations. Most schemes in Islington are managed by Clarion Housing Association. There is much demand for sheltered housing in Islington and applicants interested must apply to the council’s housing register. They will then get a visit from an assessment officer who will decide if sheltered housing is suitable. The sheltered schemes in Islington include:

  • Ash Court, N19
  • Belmore House, N7
  • Beversbrook Road, N19
  • Brightwell Court, N7
  • Cope House, EC1
  • Duval House, N19
  • Emmanuel Court, N7
  • Foxham Rd, N19
  • Hawberry Court, N7
  • Minerva Lodge, N7
  • Washington Court, N1

What if I have a disability?

Please tell us your access and communication needs so we can provide the best service for you. Many sheltered housing schemes have accommodation suitable for wheelchair users, or those with mobility difficulties.

Other languages

Please tell us if you need an interpreter, and we will arrange for one when we visit.

Further information

For further information please contact the Housing Options Team by email on or you can call 0207 527 4140.

We are based at the Islington Customer Centre, 222 Upper Street, London, N1 1XR. Our offices are open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.