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Regulatory judgments

Find out about inspection reports, regulatory judgements about the council as a landlord and our response​.

Regulator of Social Housing

All social housing providers are controlled and maintained by the Regulator of Social Housing. Read more about what they do.

The regulator started a new way of inspecting landlords in April 2024. When we have been inspected, we will include the new report on this page.

The Housing Ombudsman

When residents living in council and housing association homes are not satisfied with the outcome of a complaint to their landlord, they can get help from the Housing Ombudsman. The Ombudsman will investigate their complaint.

We will publish inspection reports and regulatory judgements about the council as a landlord and our response. We will also share the Housing Ombudsman's investigation into systematic failure on this page when it is ready.

Landlord Performance Report for Islington Council 2023/24

The Governing Body statement in response to the Housing Ombudsman’s Annual Landlord Report 2023/24 

Islington Council values resident feedback, which we see as an essential part of our commitment to delivering good quality services to those we serve. We therefore welcome the publication of the Housing Ombudsman’s 2023/2024 Annual Landlord Report for Islington in conjunction with their special investigation report published in October 2023 (see below) and appreciate the opportunity to reflect on our performance and drive improvement.

Over the past year, we have significantly enhanced the way we manage our services, and our comprehensive 87-point action plan has been a critical step in this journey. We have also implemented a number of key initiatives to improve our complaints handling and overall resident services. These include:

  • Enhanced governance and reporting – We have strengthened ongoing oversight to ensure continuous improvement.
  • Comprehensive Complaint Improvement Plan – A dedicated plan to refine complaints handling across the entire Council.
  • Complaints Board – Introducing additional governance to ensure robust implementation of improvement actions.
  • New complaints management system – Enhancing our ability to efficiently track, manage, and analyse complaints.
  • Improved local complaint handling – We have streamlined our housing complaint teams into a single unit, increasing staffing levels to better address resident concerns and ensure quality interaction with residents throughout the complaints process. 
  • Training and development – All housing staff and managers are now trained in effective complaints resolution, with service leads actively involved in auditing quality. Communications training has also been rolled out to all frontline staff to improve customer care and empathy. In addition, managers undertook the Housing Ombudsman Service training on their spotlight reports into Damp and Mould, and Knowledge and Information Management. 
  • Setting out our approach to supporting residents – Introduction of our Fair, Inclusive and Accessible Service Commitment for Housing Services, setting out how we support residents through our flexible approach to service delivery.
  • Damp and Mould Action Plan – A dedicated task force now leads efforts to tackle damp and mould issues in homes. Our repairs policy has been revised to embed our new approach to tackling damp and mould. 
  • Revised anti-social behaviour approach – With new policies and improved case-working to tackle anti-social behaviour and foster a good neighbourhood environment.
  • Redesigned tenancy service – A renewed focus on placing residents at the heart of service delivery, with accountability embedded through a patch-based approach.

We remain dedicated to ensuring that every resident in Islington receives the best possible service, with their concerns addressed swiftly, effectively, and with care. While we are encouraged by the progress we have made so far, we also acknowledge that there is still more to be done.

We will continue to learn, adapt, and evolve in response to the changing needs of our residents, always striving to provide services that reflect the highest standards of quality and responsiveness.

Signed by:

Councillor Diarmaid Ward - Executive Member for Finance and Performance

Councillor John Woolf - Executive Member for Homes and Neighbourhoods

Omudsman special report published 24 October 2023