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Our strategy

Our Air Quality Policy

If local authorities don’t meet legal objectives for seven of the main air pollutants, then they must declare an air quality management area (AQMA).

Islington declared an AQMA for two of the main pollutants:

  • nitrogen dioxide (NO2)- as we do not meet the annual legal objectives for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in parts of the borough
  • particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5)- while we meet legal objectives, the world health organisation suggests lower levels and we believe there is no safe level

Our Air Quality Strategy sets out the actions we are taking to reduce air pollution and our annual reports show our progress against our plan. Read our strategy and annual reports for more information.

Our strategy includes the following main aims:

  • protecting the vulnerable- working with schools, health professionals and community groups to protect those most impacted by pollution.
  • keep Islington moving- reducing emissions from road transport and encouraging a shift to cleaner, active travel.
  • better air, better health, better environment- working to reduce the worst pollution in the borough and working with and lobbying external partners.

Other policies

Our Air Quality Strategy fits in with a range of other policies, including:

  • Other council policies- such as transport, planning, housing, energy, climate and public health
  • Other local authority policies- boroughs across London have their own air quality strategies which will impact air quality in Islington as pollution does not respect borough boundaries
  • London policies- the Mayor of London has additional powers to tackle a range of issues. Some of the main policies of concern for air quality are the London Environment Strategy and London Plan. Local authorities are also guided by the London Local Air Quality Management Framework
  • National policies- the UK must meet certain legal limits and as such the government has produced a national air quality plan, which outlines actions required at a national, regional and local level

You can find our response to recent consultations on policies across London and the UK on air strategy and consultation documents.