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Proposed changes to parking restrictions on Mildmay Street

This consultation has ended

Start date 06 October 2022
End date 28 October 2022

Mildmay Street is a fairly narrow road that only allows parking on one side with a single traffic lane. The council’s transport team has to regularly collect and set down a disabled resident close to their home and this means the vehicle stops at roughly the same location in Mildmay Street every weekday and sometimes on weekends.

The current parking layout means there is no opportunity for passing stopped vehicles while the service picks up or drops off disabled residents. Although this collecting and dropping off activity takes a few minutes, it happens every day and can cause obstruction to traffic.

The council is proposing changes to the parking layout in Mildmay Street to try and deal with the situation. We are proposing:

  • to remove 6.6m of the residential parking bay and replace it with double yellow lines opposite the walkway between 27 and 39 Mildmay Street. This will provide a stopping or passing place at this location
  • to extend the remaining resident parking bay outside 24 Mildmay Street by about 0.5 metres to make more efficient use of it for parking.

A plan of the proposed works is available to download from 'useful documents' near the bottom of the page.


Please take our consultation survey about these measures.


For any questions, contact Dipak Khatri / Renata Glowacka on 020 7527 2000 or email /

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