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Consultation on double yellow lines outside properties and other parking changes on Whistler Street

This consultation has ended

Start date 06 July 2021
End date 26 July 2021

As you are aware, current parking arrangements in Whistler Street mean that access to properties is often obstructed, causing significant difficulty for disabled residents and visitors, and people with young children, especially when using pushchairs.

The council is now consulting you, and other Whistler Street residents, on whether you would like a section of double yellow lines (no waiting at any time restriction) outside your front gate.

The introduction of double yellow lines outside every property entrance would result in an overall reduction of five car parking spaces:

  • On the eastern section, current parking spaces would be reduced from 18 down to 14.

We have carried out an assessment, with a view to providing new parking spaces. But essential access for emergency vehicles and waste collections means that just one new parking bay can be provided, giving a total of 15 parking spaces on the eastern section.

  • On the southern section, parking spaces would be reduced from four down to two.

The proposals also include a bicycle hangar, with capacity for six bicycles, outside number 2 Whistler Street.


Please complete our online survey.


Telephone 020 7527 2000 for more information. 

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