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St. Mary’s Church low traffic neighbourhood consultation

Tell us what you think about people-friendly streets in St. Mary’s Church

This consultation has ended

Start date 29 March 2023
End date 26 April 2023
We consulted on the St Mary’s Church low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) trial from 29 March 2023 to 26 April 2023. Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback.

Key findings from pre-consultation engagement

We have now published our pre-consultation engagement results report for the St Mary’s Church PFS trial. This report includes all feedback up until the public consultation (29 March to 26 April 2023) from Commonplace, and trial feedback surveys, email correspondence, formal objections and stakeholder meetings.

Overall feedback received

  • 245 Commonplace comments.
  • 178 emails.
  • 399 trial feedback surveys.
  • 301 consultation questionnaires.

Commonplace feedback

Between May 2020 and March 2021, we asked you about your ideas for the area. Here’s what you told us.

Top three problems

  • volume of traffic: 49%
  • traffic rat running: 39%
  • fast or noisy traffic: 35%

Top three ways to make it better

  • make roads access only: 34%
  • slow down traffic: 25%
  • road closure except for cycles and buses: 25%

Trial feedback survey

Here’s what you told us during our feedback survey, which was open between December 2021 and March 2023.

Top things people like about the trial

  • reduces through traffic: 15%
  • reduces air pollution: 12%
  • makes the area more pleasant or makes it safer to cross the road: 10%

Top things people dislike about the trial

  • increases traffic on main roads: 63%
  • not asked for my views before the trial started: 37%
  • increases air pollution: 34%

Key findings from the public consultation

We have also published our independent consultation report for the St Mary’s Church PFS trial. This report includes feedback received through the public consultation (Wednesday, 29 March 2023 to Wednesday, 26 April 2023).

Comment Agreed Disagreed 
Easier to cross the streets 44% 19%
Streets look nicer 42% 25%
Less noise from traffic 41% 30%
Air is cleaner 38% 23%
Easier to walk and cycle to local shops and businesses 36% 19%
Now spend more time in the area 36% 19%

About travel and traffic in the area

  • 56% of participants have a car compared to 33% of households in Islington.
  • 18% of participants who have cars say they walk and cycle for shorter trips instead of driving.
  • 19% of participants mentioned LTNs increasing traffic on boundary roads.

More information

Visit our St Mary's Church people-friendly street page for more information about decisions based on the consultation and next steps for the neighbourhood.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.