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Consultation on application to re-designate the Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood Forum

This consultation has ended

Start date 10 May 2023
End date 30 June 2023

The Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood Forum has applied to Camden and Islington Councils to be formally re-designated as a neighbourhood forum. The forum was established in 2016 and after five years in operation must now reapply if it is to be formally designated for a further five years.

The councils are consulting residents, businesses and other interested stakeholders in the area on this application.

How this affects you

If the application is agreed by both Camden and Islington Council, the Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood Forum can write a neighbourhood plan for the area. A neighbourhood plan is a statutory planning document setting out planning policies for the development and use of land in a neighbourhood and can be used in making decisions on planning applications in the area.

If such a designation is made no other organisation or body may be designated as a neighbourhood forum for that neighbourhood area until that designation expires or is withdrawn.

Commenting on the application

Read the application here.

You can find out more on neighbourhood planning in Islington, including the area covered by the Mount Pleasant neighbourhood forum, on our neighbourhood planning page.

  • We are consulting on this application from 10 May 2023 to 30 June 2023.
  • Any comments must be submitted by Friday 30 June 2023 and will be made publicly available.

Please note that the consultation and decision making process for each council is separate. If you would like both councils to consider your response, please comment on each council’s consultation. You can respond to Camden’s consultation on their website under current consultations

Public comments

We will remove names and personal contact information. We will keep responses on the Islington Council website for up to a year after the adoption of the neighbourhood forum. Records will be kept on servers for six years from the date the forum expires. For more information, please refer to the council’s privacy policy.

Paper copy of the application

Paper copies of the application are available for inspection at the following locations: 

Islington Council  
Town Hall
Upper Street
N1 2UD

Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.

Pancras Square library 
5 Pancras Square 
N1C 4AG 

Monday to Saturday, 8am to 8pm and Sunday, 11am to 5pm.

Any comments on the application after viewing the paper copy should be sent to the Planning Policy team:

Was this information helpful?

Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.