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Overcrowding survey

This consultation has ended

Start date 17 May 2023
End date 15 June 2023

We are reviewing our allocation policy and how we can make things easier for residents living in overcrowded homes. This is especially important now with the high demand for rented accommodation in Islington. 

We want your help to understand better the impacts of overcrowding for you and your household, and your opinions on what actions the council should consider. 

Tell us what you think - residents

The survey takes around 10 minutes to complete and your responses are anonymous. Any identifiable information that you share with us, such as your name or contact details, will be stored separately from your survey responses and only used if you have specified that you would like to be contacted again. Your participation in this survey is voluntary; responding indicates that you are consenting to take part. 


If you are a partner who works with residents in overcrowded homes, please complete the partner survey.

Tell us what you think - partners

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.