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Planters adjoining New North Road

We want your views on our plans for installing new planters at various junctions with New North Road

This consultation has ended

Start date 06 May 2022
End date 27 May 2022

As part of the Islington Greener Together programme, we are proposing the installation of new planters at the junctions with Arlington Avenue, Linton Street, Rydon Street and St Paul Street, along New North Road, N1 7AA.

This proposal is a pilot initiative to create a visual barrier to slow down mopeds, by way of raised planters and new planting. 

This project is the first step in:

  1. Greening the neighbourhood
  2. Traffic calming of mopeds
  3. New community-led planting opportunities

The proposal follows a trial period of 12 weeks in 2018 when concrete barriers were installed in the proposed locations, to assess and reduce the impact of high-speed mopeds within the vicinity.

The survey showed that the barriers were quite effective in deterring motorcycles and mopeds from using those junctions as shortcuts, thus reducing noise levels in the area and the speed of motorcycles. However, they didn’t meet the safety requirements for bicycles and cargo bikes. This proposal seeks to install a visual barrier whilst still allowing bikes.

In response to the 2018 consultation, we would like to introduce four planters in each location shown on the map to the bottom left. The plan on the bottom right shows a typical layout.

There will be no substantial change to the signage, apart from the installation of a camera enforcement sign at each junction.

See more information and take part in the survey.

Take the survey

If you have any questions or queries about this consultation, please contact

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