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Pauntley Street greening project

Have your say on a proposed new green screen and improvements to the car park

This consultation has ended

Start date 30 November 2022
End date 28 December 2022

We are pleased to share with you the outcome of the Pauntley Street environmental improvement consultation which ran from 30 November 2022 to 28 December 2022.

In March we launched our Islington Greener Together programme which allows residents, businesses, and community groups to shape a more environmentally friendly borough. As part of the Islington Greener Together programme, we proposed to deliver greening improvements to Pauntley Street.

The improvements included installing a 2.2m tall living green screen (similar to a hedge in planter boxes) on a 50m stretch of the Pauntley Street footpath. We also asked for your ideas on what could be done to improve the car park towards the north of Pauntley Street. 

Thank you to everyone who shared their views.

Key findings from the consultation

We received 65 responses to the consultation, including 62 online survey responses and 3 emails. The feedback received demonstrates that local people are supportive of measures to green the Pauntley Street footpath.

Most respondents agreed that a living green screen on the Pauntley Street footpath will reduce the noise from road traffic on Archway Road, improve the air quality around Pauntley Street, and create a more pleasant environment around Pauntley Street. 

Responses also suggest that local people are in favour of using timber as a material for the planters, extending the green screen to cover the full length of the bus stand and reducing the vertical screen height to allow people to see over them. 

Finally, while a range of suggestions were put forward for improving the space around the Pauntley Street car park, greening interventions (including a green wall, trees and other planting) and improvements to the bins were the most popular. 

How we plan to improve the Pauntley Street footpath 

In response to local peoples feedback, we are installing a living green screen in timber planter boxes and extending the length of the green screen to cover the full length of the bus stands on Archway Road. 

In response to feedback that the proposed living green screen is too tall, meaning people using the footpath on Pauntley Street cannot be seen from Archway Road, we are decreasing the height of the living green screen to 1.5m so that it can be seen over. 

Next steps for Pauntley Street

The installation of the living green screen is scheduled for the week commencing 13 March 2023. 

We will also be conducting further feasibility studies to explore the suggestions submitted for improving the car park. 

If you have any questions on the works or the scheme, please contact  


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