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Islington Draft Local Plan: consultation on main modifications

This consultation has ended

Start date 24 June 2022
End date 30 October 2022
  • The consultation on post-hearing Main Modifications to the Local Plan has been extended by a further six weeks from 16 September until 30 October 2022. 
  • Additional information in relation to the Gypsy and Traveller site assessment is available for consideration and comment. 
  • Please note that there have been no changes to the Main Modifications documents since the consultation was originally launched in June.  

If you have sent us comments already and you do not have any further comments to add, you do not need to do anything. If you would like to provide new or updated comments please respond by 30 October. Comments will then be sent to the planning inspectors.

The council is currently reviewing Islington’s Local Plan, which sets out a range of planning policies which will be used as the basis for making decisions on future planning applications. The Draft Local Plan is at an advanced stage following several rounds of consultation and was submitted to the Secretary of State for Independent Examination in February 2020. The examination hearings took place between September and October 2021.

Following the examination hearings, we are now consulting on some changes (known as main modifications) to the following documents:

A number of other supporting documents have also been published.

  • As part of this consultation the council is consulting on site allocations for three Gypsy and Traveller sites. To help explain these site allocations further the council have written a Frequently Asked Questions document. The council has also produced a brief summary document which provides details about how to find further information on the proposed sites at 71 Ronalds Road, 207A Junction Road and 154 Junction Road. The council has produced a note which explains the criteria used and the site search process for the Gypsy and Traveller site search. Finally the Gypsy and Traveller site assessment sets out the assessment of the sites considered as part of the site search process for the Gypsy and Traveller sites.
  • Changes to the Policies Map.
  • An addendum to the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) (this brings together into a single framework a number of assessments of the social, environmental and economic impact of the modifications to the planning policies). 
  • To help with clarity high resolution versions of the maps contained in the Strategic and Development Management Policies, Bunhill and Clerkenwell AAP and Site Allocations documents have been produced in three separate documents:
  • Additional minor modifications which generally relate to points of clarification, factual updates and typographical or grammatical errors. The examination of the Local Plan does not consider these additional modifications, however it can be beneficial to publish these changes when consulting on proposed main modifications.

This consultation is specifically seeking comments on the main modifications (additional minor modifications have only been published for completeness). All comments on the proposed main modifications will be considered by the Planning Inspectors examining the Draft Local Plan.

At the end of the Local Plan Examination process the planning inspectors will issue a report outlining if each Local Plan document can be found ‘sound’ together with any modifications required for this. The inspectors can only make recommendations in relation to main modifications.

The consultation documents can be viewed at the links above and are available for inspection at Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 2UD (9am-5pm Monday to Friday).

Comments can be made

  • by email: 
  • by post: Freepost RTXU-ETKU-KECB, Planning Policy, Islington Council, Town Hall, Upper Street, London N1 2UD.

Representations must be submitted by 30 October 2022. Comments should be focused on the main modifications proposed and not other aspects of the plan that remain unchanged. The Statement of Representations Procedure provides an outline of the consultation. 

Please note that comments will be made publicly available. We will remove names and personal contact information. We will also need to provide the contact details of those who have made comments to the programme officer (who is responsible for organising and managing the Examination and is independent of the council) so that they can be kept informed of the examination process. 

You can request to be notified of the progress of the examination, including the publication of Inspectors recommendations and adoption of the plan.

Responses will be retained on the Islington Council website for up to a year after the adoption of the Local Plan, with records retained on servers for six years from the date the Local Plan expires. For more information on the basis on which we process, use and store your information, please refer to the council’s privacy policy at

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.