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Inglebert Street footway build outs and greening

This consultation has ended

Start date 14 February 2022
End date 04 March 2022

Islington Council is committed to creating a greener, healthier borough by making our streets safer and more enjoyable for everyone.


We are proposing to construct two new footway build-outs on Inglebert Street at the junction with Myddleton Square. The addition of the build-outs will allow for greater pedestrian safety by narrowing the crossing distance and reducing vehicular speeds of those turning into Inglebert Street.

The scheme also proposes a new tree and low-level planting that will contribute towards an improved air quality for local residents. 

If the project goes ahead, the implementation is likely to take place in March 2022, taking about two weeks to complete.


You can see the plans and make a comment about this proposal by filling in our survey.

Fill in our survey 


For more information or questions about this proposal, please email

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.