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Highbury Quadrant Primary School Streets consultation

Tell us what you think about creating a new school street outside Highbury Quadrant Primary School.

This consultation has ended

Start date 04 July 2022
End date 31 July 2022

We want to hear from local people, community groups, businesses and anyone who uses these streets about our proposals for a new School Street outside Highbury Quadrant Primary School. Just fill out our short online questionnaire to give your views.

About School Streets

A School Street temporarily prevents vehicles from driving on the roads near a school which allows them to become a pedestrian and cycle zone during the school’s opening and closing times. By closing roads outside schools, congestion and pollution are reduced at the school gates as well as making it easier and safer for children to get to and from school.

There are currently 35 School Streets in the borough, covering 36 Primary Schools. 31 of which are permanent.

You can read our monitoring results to see the difference they have made on our School Streets consultations page.

Why we are introducing School Streets

The first School Street in Islington was introduced in 2019 in response to increased traffic levels and pollution outside school gates. We wanted to create a calmer, safer, and cleaner environment around our schools.

School Streets:

  • improve air quality, and reduce pollution at the school gates
  • reduce road danger, making it safer for children to get to and from school
  • make it easier for children, and their parents and carers, to be more active on their way to school by walking, scooting or cycling.

Highbury Quadrant Primary School Street

As part of our commitment to make our streets cleaner, greener and healthier, we are proposing to deliver a School Street at Highbury New Park and surrounding roads.

The proposed School Street zone would include Highbury New Park, Balfour Road, Highbury Grange and Stradbroke Grove. This means that vehicles would not be permitted to access these roads for short periods of time during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up times, Monday to Friday, term-time only, unless they have been given an exemption.

How to take part in the consultation

This consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who took part.

We will be releasing further information on the outcome of the consultation in due course.


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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.