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Consultation on Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

We asked for your views regarding current pharmacy provisions in Islington. You shared your views with us, now we need your help to check that our conclusions and recommendations based on your feedback are accurate. Your comments will inform the final Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment report.

This consultation has ended

Start date 08 June 2022
End date 07 August 2022

What is a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment?

The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) is a report which provides a comprehensive account of pharmaceutical health needs in Islington, current provisions and where the gaps lie. The PNA will be used by NHS England to consider applications for new pharmacies, changes to existing ones, and to inform NHS England’s commissioned services. The document will also inform local commissioning decisions by service commissioners, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), and will be used as part of Islington’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) to inform future commissioning strategies.

What are pharmaceutical services?

Pharmaceutical services are one of the many services currently provided under the NHS by community pharmacies and include:

  • dispensing of medicines and appliances on prescription
  • sale of medicines to the public
  • providing advice to the public on medicines, to people coping with ill health or general
  • health and well-being advice
  • receiving waste medicines for safe destruction

Pharmaceutical services can also include the dispensing, home delivery, and provision of advice on appliances such as wound dressing and bandages.

Who are we consulting and why?

It is likely that anyone living in the borough may require services provided by community pharmacies and appliance contractors. Therefore, we will welcome the views of anyone living in Islington (patient, consumer or community group), anyone providing pharmaceutical services in Islington or anyone who has an interest in the provision of pharmaceutical services in Islington.

Please, read the Draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment and Executive Summary and complete the consultation survey to share your views.

Printed copies are available on request. If you need a paper or printable copy of the survey, email or call 07977 264 915.

Complete the consultation survey

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.