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Comment on electricity and gas contracts for 2023 to 2025

This consultation has ended

Start date 04 November 2022
End date 28 November 2022

Islington Council is responsible for providing communal electricity to your block and/or estate, and for providing the gas supply to some district heating systems. The costs for these are included in your annual service charge.

From 31 March 2023 we are ending our current agreements with SSE, our gas and electricity supplier, and we have entered into new arrangements with Laser. We have acted quickly to reduce the impact of rising energy costs for all residents.

We wrote to let leaseholders know because in order to act fast, we were unable to hold the usual Section 20 leaseholder consultation. This means we have applied to the First Tier Tribunal (The Tribunal) for dispensation. Islington Council will get dispensation if the tribunal agrees that it was acceptable for us to have taken this action without a Section 20 consultation. In 2015 and 2019 we successfully applied for a dispensation after changing gas and electricity suppliers.

All leaseholders are welcome to read our application to the Tribunal and to make comments before 28 November 2022. Please see the directions we received from the Tribunal. Please send comments to the email address or mailing address below

If you would like more information about the council’s energy procurement strategy you can read the Executive Report.

If you would like paper copies of the tribunal application and other documents, or if you require this information in an alternative format, email or telephone Richard on 020 7527 8415 or write to this address:

Home Ownership Services,
222 Upper Street,
London N1 1XR

Please also get in touch if you have any questions.

The Tribunal’s final decision will be uploaded on or shortly after 23 January 2023. We will provide updates relating to the Tribunal case here.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.