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Fortune Street Park Improvements

This consultation has ended

Start date 14 November 2022
End date 06 January 2023

As part of our work to make Islington cleaner, greener, and healthier, we are planning to make some improvements to Fortune Street Park. 

Fortune Street Park is a popular park which is vital in an area with little green space. We know that being out in nature can help people’s mental and physical health, and parks are more important than ever. 

Proposed designs 

The proposed design includes: 

• Creating a new path to provide an alternative route and ease congestion. To do this, we will need to remove some shrubs but they will be replaced elsewhere in the park. 

• Retaining all trees. No trees will be removed as part of this project. 

• Relocating the growing garden to a sunnier spot. 

• Refurbishing the play area. This will involve keeping some of the existing equipment, like the toddler swings, flower rocker and standing see-saw, and adding some new features. 

• Additional planting throughout the park to enhance biodiversity. 

• Additional benches and litter bins. 

You can see the proposed design, a video explaining the design, and the results of the park user engagement on the park improvement page below.

Fortune Street Park Improvement Page



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